Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Hello my name is Dorothy I love animals but my heart belongs to this one named ROCKY I have created

Hello my name is Dorothy I love animals but my heart belongs to this one named ROCKY I have created this blog for people who wish to Yorka and I will try to describe everything! Roki31082012
Swko me'm interested in everything related to the Yorkist View mj profile Gallery Powrt bath YORK 2012-04-28 Baths are one of the most important elementw affecting the state włosw our Yorka. Błdnym is the belief that young puppies do not Kapaa. Usually we hear such a statement from a breeder or veterinarian. Bathing can six he already from 10 weeks of age. However, it must be properly prepared for this. Little Yorkshire is very convenient to Kapaa in the sink - this applies to the first few, krtkich bath. The bottom of the basin teaches a piece of foam or rubber Mikka grating to the dog not slipped up and unnecessarily stressed. Unscrew the water gently, not directly on the dog. Warm water wettable Siers dog and we put shampoo. Wash gently massaging the dog, if necessary, we praise him and calms. Rinsing the suds be careful not to let water flooded his mouth and ears. Wet dog wrapped in a towel for a few minutes. I never wipe because such energetic movements could cause damage to the hair. Yorkie bathe once every 7-10 days. When the dog gets older and slightly longer get accustomed to the six he can swim Kapaa it in the bathtub. anna s CARE dogs such as Yorkshire is very important and we can not underestimated because yorkshire bath should be carried out once a week. Monia .. York (it) 2013-06-24 What are you talking about?! Kpiel once a week? I think once a 1.2 month! ogarnijj Roki31082012 (it) 2013-08-08 @ Monia .. York June I would you not carefully prosiao The wording such as, what you see ....,, I who can understand that the Code of Administrative dog once every 2 month even, but I loved most of all write about your dog wic I KPIE it once a week, because going with the dog on long walks, to the dog mj ball with me in to wic can not imagine a spa with a slob, I'm szczliwa when mj dog is clean and pachncy because the walks but unfortunately little of it zajedai anna s seduce me viewer mock your dog looks like the tub is caa from the sand traps on the roil August remnants of grass, but as you do not mind this time in hot greet ;) yorkie hate (it) 2014-02-21 respects what you write on your blog but I have a little different anna s opinion rwniez we bought yorkie care about him KPIE it once a week, not even once more often because sometimes anna s when we go for a walk in wet and August wybrudzi zcrkami daily combing wosy having fun with him but still I consider the worst of it bya gupota buy a dog breed york uparye nasty hard to what any mauczyn and the biggest problem is with the cleanliness of peeing wherever and whenever he can to come from a walk and immediately pee in the house I tried to read Sundry Forums rżnych anna s metate rewards for peeing outside pochwaya to do at home Dawa his punishment is nothing gives a spa before the older daughter twice pee on linen now sleeps in the kitchen closed anna s because there is no other way auje with we decided on a dog I consider the race with household dogs are not about much smarter and Yorkies are just overrated and more of them than it's worth kopotu
85181 Archive Year 2014 April March February January Flowers Year 2013 DECEMBER October November December calendar August July June May March February January Flowers Year 2012 DECEMBER October November December calendar August July June May Flowers
4 Marta M.przesłała picture of Zeus-11 weeks Barry sent a picture Tobi-9 weeks Karolina M. sent a picture Mickey-13tyg. Yvonne Z. sent a picture anna s of his dog ;) Magda P. sent a picture of Tosca

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Back | Start a new discussion My York ... added: ~ David, 11-07-2010, lealtex 22:10 Hello .. Sinc

Back | Start a new discussion My York ... added: ~ David, 11-07-2010, lealtex 22:10 Hello .. Since two weeks I'm happy owner of a Yorkshire Terrier ;-) York is 3 months and 12 days .. weighs almost 1.5kg ... I feed her dry Hill'sem and water .. nothing else. She's lovely, she learned already pee-on mat. I just have a question .. or scratching at the ears and the ass is normal? I was at the vet flea and nothing of this type ... from what it could be? dog sleeps in bed with me ... maybe allergy cleaning floors? bedding etc. ..? here are photos of my Yorkie ;) .. this is my first dog in my life .. :-) Regards :)) added ~ Martyn , 14-07-2010, 22:03 It could be an allergy. Check whether in the area of the skin is reddened will be popping up some small pimples, it can anergy confirmed for orphan chemicals. But contact lealtex your veterinarian and accurately describe the symptoms. I would have changed the karma that you are feeding your toddler on Arion, Eukanuba or Royal Canin.

Monday, April 28, 2014

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Hoofbeats carried to the valley. Towards Sawley Abbey sought three riders in black coats. Squirrels, sheep and children czmychały of the highway in front of them; squirrels and sheep expert on, but the kids stopped and stared at the strangers surrounding her arms defensively and looking at each other. They seemed to leave behind frosted air.
Abbey was in a remote corner of Yorkshire in the north of England, in the fertile valley amidst the jagged tops of the mountains, covered with dwarf pine and inhabited by flocks of birds of prey. In the lower parts of the shepherds pastured flocks, looking for even the smallest scraps of green. Animals were never sated, always restless and agitated.
In this very area on the order of Thomas Cromwell headed the royal commissioners. First, on a chestnut stallion, rode Dr. John Frankish, middle-aged man with graying hair and a hooked nose. He crossed a small meadow and found himself on the road leading along the stream. After many hours spent in the saddle the whole body was aching, but his heart was filled with confidence and joy at the thought of the task which he had to fill.
Henry VIII Tudor sky overhead was gray like a rock cliff, and the air was heavy with impending rain. Over the heads of the horses circled mosquitoes that Frankish fons and porter squashed hit town. These very small insects reminded him of the clergy of the Catholic Church, not worth anything more than a pat hand.
Kicking up clouds of dust, crossed the corner and saw before him in all the glory of the abbey stone walls and stained glass. The monks at the gate scattered, making the sign of the cross, while others fell to their knees and began to pray. They knew what they come Commissioners, and they could do nothing but mourn his fate.
Commissioners jumped from their horses, tied them up and armed with canvas bags, opened the heavy oak door. As Frankish fons and porter supposed chapel was full of treasure, to which the law had only a king of England, not the dastardly Pope from Italy. They threw bags of gold and silver crucifixes from the walls, and silver cups altar. Frankish stood at the altar and carefully save all that commissioners took. On the list were coming valuables: marble statues of saints, baptismal bowl set with jewels, censers bronze, gold candlesticks before the altar. They gathered everything we could to get out, and then Frankish ordered the commissioners to destroy the rest. With tryumfalnymi smiles began to break up the reading fons and porter adorned fons and porter with paintings of Christ, who fed the crowd. The next step took the benches and the altar. Paper, wood carvings, embroidered tablecloths fons and porter and rolls were dropped on a pile in the middle of the aisle.
Frankish fons and porter waded through a pile of dropped items to zakratowanej fons and porter niche and saw a life-size stone statue of the Blessed Virgin, clothed in coats, robes and jeweled capes - the gifts of the humble believers. She gave the statue astonished gaze.
When the chapel was already completely fons and porter destroyed and looted everything, Frankish ordered his men to set fire. Torch was applied to wood and fabric and within seconds the flames engulfed the entire abbey. Frankish stood in the doorway, admiring the beauty of his work, until it became clear that nothing can no longer be saved and while the facial skin did not start it from the hot stove. Only then returned with his men to the horses, laden with precious objects that were to be handed over to the king.
On a wooded hill above the abbey became a well-dressed, forty-something man. His arms were crossed over his chest, and the tears ran down his face. He is an intelligent and fair man. He seemed to be deeply shocked by the fire. He did not want to look at it, but was unable to look away.
Robert Aske turned toward the angry young man, who heavier

Sunday, April 27, 2014

How do you have one card is not spacon najatwiej up who speaks of the cards issued. The order depen

Every 5 minutes and 3 seconds one of the UK residents is deemed niewypacalnego tavo or bankrupt. Zaduenia problem also applies to the Poles in the UK. What it does when chasing your repayment terms, and your account lit empty?
To begin with, you should not be doing. First zaciga subsequent loans. For such a solution in an act of desperation, decides unfortunately a lot of people. This is a simple way to wpadnicia spiral Dugu. Secondly, using the services of companies oferujcych "liquidation zaduenia". For a simple reason: they consume pay for performance, which can be obtained free of charge pastwowych institutions and charities.
Expert advice Mona and certainly worth it. Because the principle of Conduct for zaduenia depends on the individual situation in which the best will help you out oriented specialists. In the UK It runs several organizations that dunikom free of advising how to get out of a opaów. The most popular must Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB) Offering an free counseling tavo in a wide range of topics. Leads to remain institutions will find at the end of artykuu. Another type of organization to which it is worth directed his steps, is Turn2us. The consultants will help you determine tavo on what type of financial tavo support you can count on the example in the context of social assistance or special grants for disadvantaged people. An administrative order Dunik in the UK is usually not a brand-helpless. Unless Follow rationally, shows a ch an agreement with the creditor and is able to use appropriate legal tools to his defense. One of them is called. tavo an administrative order (administrative order). It is a document issued by a court, which sets high repayment installments zaduenia based on your income and expenses on maintenance. Wild ago never have to worry that the creditor "rip out your skin." What's more, until wywizujesz up with repayment installments, interest to be the frozen, and the creditor can not out trying to speed up the recovery of receivables. An administrative order is obciony charged SDOW charged 10 percent. values installment. tavo In addition, it can use only those whose rump does not exceed 5 thousand. pounds.
"The order was repaid depends tavo dug" in my opinion IM depends tavo on you to pay as monthly interest and a debt as a way to generate profits dlugoplanowe. The rule is simple - the bank "gives kase", the client loses kase and pays at monthly tribute from permanent debt. Buy something and lease it for miniumu 20% of the value per year.
How do you have one card is not spacon najatwiej up who speaks of the cards issued. The order depends on spaci dug and if you kopot with spat it's able to freeze interest and determine suitable primarily for the repayment schedule for you. From kredytwi companies' oferujcych "such loans hold up from a distance. Similarly, with these companies KTRE each pays for itself dugw repayment program (DMP - DEBT MANAGEMENT PROGRAM).
But as the credit card you have not paid for a long period is just blowing up the company what it can offer credit konsolidacyjny.Banki resells data klientow.Za a lot of money in it and obiegu.Zarobki large loans duze.Poza tavo including financial firms depends on the man to pay the debt .
It adds, and none of these organizations are not treated dunika as a thief, do not judge czowieka and only his situation. Generally want I help without doing wyrzutw tavo or prawienia Moravia. Help's free and the sooner dunik raised the si help the bigger chances to Speed Dial and fairly painless spat rump.
Who will take up emigrantw Polish Polish parents in the Polka in London - 10 years Mon ... Working for the hardcore in the UK map will tell you whether you live in healthy surroundings ... hasa pre-election tavo anti-immigrant UKIP
Boon Green Island, or the time sur ... (1) anti-immigrant hasa pre-election UKIP (9) Cd. zaginicia Madeleine McCann (6) Pre-election guide: Liberal Democrats (3) tries to win the Polish tavo politicians emigrantwz U. .. (5)
Hasa pre-election anti-immigrant UKIP (9) Islamization of glass in Birmingham? (8) Cd. zaginicia Madeleine McCann (6) Who will take care of a Polish exile parents ... (5) Doctors immigrant May low QUALIFICATIONS ... (4)
2-bedded room fully furnished ...

Broker-rat rat-catcher: D

"Madman", a word that is the best term Buddy. CD 3 "Madman", a word that is the best term Buddy. CD 2 "Madman", a word that is the best term Buddy. CD "The Madman", a word that is the best term Buddy
To inform you that your blog address with "" was changed to "". If you have saved our blog carat replaced at and write again. I hope that will not change with this big problem ;)
ka $ iek Malopolska, Poland My name is Katherine and I'm 14 years old. Interested in cynology and dog psychology. I own przekochanego pooch, named Buddy and five great parakeets. On this blog you will have the opportunity to meet my little pooch and learn many useful things about dogs. If you have any questions, please write to me: kasix.kass @ View my complete profile
2012 (14) August 2012 (1) July 2012 (2) May 2012 (1) April 2012 (2) February 2012 (6) January 2012 (2) 2011 (33) December 2011 ( 1) November 2011 (1) October 2011 (3) September 2011 (4) "The Madman", a word that is the best term ... "Madman", a word that is the best term ... "Madman" leblanc a word that is the best term ... "Madman", a word that is the best term ... August 2011 (9) July 2011 (5) June 2011 (3) May 2011 (3) April 2011 ( 4)
Czokuś and Kiniolek; *
Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
Broker-rat rat-catcher: D
My Koki

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Travel blog - a subjective guide, describing the UK, through the eyes of a pair of Poles. Amazing r

Travel blog - a subjective guide, describing the UK, through the eyes of a pair of Poles. Amazing relationships, thrilling descriptions and photos copyright illustrate the content of each post. Enjoy a virtual tour!
25 km north of York, towards the Yorkshire lumbar pillow Moors, lies the tiny village lumbar pillow of Terrington (North Yorkshire). It attracts dozens of tourists a unique attraction - Yorkshire Lavender, lavender plantation that is made available to the public. One day attracted and us. When krzaczku lavender
Yorskhire Lavender delights lumbar pillow location - located on a hill, from where on a sunny day on the horizon you can see the Minster, and The Wheel of York, as well as plants in and around Sheffield. Beautifully situated lumbar pillow in Yorkshire Lavender
The purple flowering plants delight the eye, and attracts thousands of butterflies and farts. Standing just off the bushes, you can hear the constant clatter of the latter. Purple lavender field and bitterns When the fields are located in the greenhouses, where you can stock up on a variety lumbar pillow of garden plants (not just lavender). In a small cafe, the decor is also maintained in the fillets key, you can enjoy a cup of coffee or tea. And at the foot of the hill lavender is a fenced piece of land on which ... grazing deer and deer! Young deer and deer just off the Yorkshire Lavender Animals up close
Right at the entrance gate another attraction - a souvenir shop. And here - literally! - All related to the theme of violet plants. You can stock up here in a variety of products, lumbar pillow ranging from a series of lavender toiletries, slippers and sprayings warming scent of lavender, by filleting pencils, pens, postcards, bedding sets, and foods such as jams and honeys, ending. Also, we caught up with purple madness and bestowed a lavender tea, ice cream flavored with lavender and lavender beer (Robert). Lavender Lavender tea ice cream and lavender beer
Yorkshire Lavender is a lovely place for a little trip. It is so large that it would get tired, but it is a nice break from the everyday hustle and bustle. In the middle of the field Aromatic purple flowers
2014 (7) April (2) March (5) 2013 (24) December (3) October (2) September (1) August (5) Edinburgh - United Kingdom, which we did not know Liverpool, ie, history, modernity, and still life ... Yorkshire Lavender - purple spot on the map wi ... Humberside - where the devil says goodnight ... Stonehenge, lumbar pillow which is about how advertising can Metropolit ... July (4) June (4) May (5)

Friday, April 25, 2014

Back | Start a new discussion My York squeaks flanela and

Back | Start a new discussion My York squeaks flanela and 'crying' in the night because he wants to go to bed he said: ~ neela, 27-12-2011, 12:01 I have a 7 week yorka.Pies when I wake up in the night, it starts to squeak terribly and barking because he wants to enter the łóżka.Zabieramy it to us, but he needs to learn to sleep in his lair (the day normally sleeps there without problems) in one night patiently tried it zanosić to himself as he squealed, but he still went out and tried to climb up on the bed, with his whistling and preserve it as hysterics. Will he grow out of this? Is his behavior is a result of his age, that dog is still a child? Please help :) york said: ~ aa 27-12-2011, 12:13 in each dog the behavior is normal, because flanela it can still miss you as a mother. I slept with her of York, and now rather sleep at home, and how he wants it jumps to me. Also there's no need to worry, the baby will grow up :) Dog. added: ~ M, 07-02-2012, 18:14 Because it is a small and very young dog I would let him sleep in the bed. In time, see where he is better and he decides where he slept. For me, at the beginning of yoreczka slept alone, not expelled her from the bed and now she goes to me, and I am very happy ;-). In addition, the study showed that sleeping with a dog in the bed immunized flanela and is positive for our body and the body of the dog. added: ~ Raczeek, 12-03-2012, 10:13 nothing flanela wrong. How dog can decide for us we decydyjemy where to sleep, remember we have to be firm and not always even squeals let him jump on the bed sheets and especially how it should be squealing in silence then such muwiąc fe Be st - firmly obviously I know from how we see such a sweet little dot is our heart softens :) but let's calm down in August, and certainly after some 2 minutes, so it will be as we stop to pay attention to him, and then only should it take for bedding, imagine how it will Large Star on what then will myself flanela and let you no longer will you sign teeth slept alone in his mission and will not give you August's sleep, give to your pet love but let KNOWLEDGE who is przywódccą added: ~ Raczeek, 12-03-2012, 11:05 Of course, as you it very briefly, it certainly lacks toddler mother and yet in the next 2 weeks to allow him a little more :), let zaklimatyzuje August with a new home but sometimes not showing him with everything he is allowed :) - I grow up scary devil: ) said: ~ keti, 12-03-2012, 20:56 My husband and I sleep with our of York and can not imagine sleeping without it. Love is love. He is happy because he is close to us, we are also happy because the dog's warm and wonderful dog zapaszki are with us. So sleep with your dog, because flanela it's worth. Love added: ~ keti, 12-03-2012, 20:57 My husband and I sleep with our of York and can not imagine sleeping without it. Love is love. He is happy because he is close to us, we are also happy because the dog's warm and wonderful dog zapaszki are with us. So sleep with your dog, because it's worth. yorczek added: ~ keti, 12-03-2012, 20:58 My husband and I sleep with our of York and can not imagine sleeping without it. Love is love. He is happy because he is close to us, we are also happy because the dog's warm and wonderful dog zapaszki are with us. So sleep with your dog, because it's worth. added: ~ Michael, 06-05-2012, 11:31 Wim I have a couple of days yorkie day normally like to get tired playing goes on it in your den but at night they try desperately squeaks and climb into bed when already'll put it there lies quietly the pillow can someone tell me what kind of behavior? and why this is so, I would like to sleep in his lair I will add that no 10tyg please help my dog canal or just squeaks (female) flanela added ~ Jerry, 19-10-2012, 9:29 My dog canal squealed as well as wants to get the bedroom at night. Standing all night at the door and squealed flanela myself quietly. Massacre. added: ~ Milka, 16-11-2012, 17:54 My for the first four days he woke up at 3 am and squealed, I did not take it to bed because I once peed on the sheets ... but I got up, stroking, bought him a playpen next to the bed and now sleeps all night quietly in the morning likes to go to bed and to cuddle, and most importantly no longer pouring on the sheets ...

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Social Democracy

There's something about rhetoric pyrenex here I feel hazards wrong place. Why are you such an emotive word racism on this? It seems that hersketeknikk. Is not this critique of religion and culture? According to Norwegian dictionary does racism: ras | is'me-n (from eng.) Humanity, politics, etc.. set of attitudes based on the belief that certain races are superior to other races, race prejudice. Is it true that Muslims are a separate breed? In the 70's and 80's were left in Norwegian politics, by, among others, SV, and organizations Humanist Association and hedningesamfunnet keen to get a secular Norway. There was strong criticism of Christianity, and most were defined as dark men. The Holy Sepulchre moral issues like abortion issue, premarital sex and homosexuality to name a few. The same people who at the time fought against that religion should be setting the agenda, driver now supports another. It often debated in the media are topics which are against the law. Clergy of gays, forced marriages, female circumcision, female oppression, punishment of children, etc. Many of these attitudes are far more conservative than what Christians were attacked pyrenex in the 70s. Is not that one paradox? Or is it not allowed to criticize religion and culture, as long as it is not politically correct? Mamod Hamze said ... 7:44 pm
I completely agree that religion pyrenex and culture must be criticized. I myself am very critical of Islam and think that all religions belong pyrenex to the human past. But Islam has become a symbol for Non western immigrant even if they come from Chili. They hate strangers. They will use weapons. They express themselves as racists. I think we should criticize religion very hard but not people who believe in religion because. pyrenex ignorance or ...
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Social Democracy
Uncompromising opinions
Eskil Aasmul
Blogger Template by Adam Every | Converted from Classic Problogger

Monday, April 21, 2014

Blogger Template by Adam Every | Converted from Classic Problogger

Idag møtte den nåværende presidenten i Iran Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, som har igjen stilt som presidentkanditat, på Sharif Universitet i Tehran. Der ble han møtt med negative tilrop fra studentene og det hele endte med at han ble kjørt vekk med jagende studenter i hælen. Tilropene lød slik: “Løgner, løgner!” og “Ahmadinejad bye bye”.
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Blogger Template by Adam Every | Converted from Classic Problogger

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Blogger Template by Adam Every | Converted from Classic Problogger skeet blanket

Christopher Hitchens har nektet at tortur metoden Waterboard er forferdelig. skeet blanket Han støttet  Bush og CIA mens de brukte metoden i Goantanamo på Cuba og i Abogharib fengsel i Irak. Nå han prøver selv og etter på innrømmer at han hadde tatt feil.
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Andersson Online
Blogger Template by Adam Every | Converted from Classic Problogger skeet blanket

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Great that someone writes about such things, this is far from Norwegian everyday, but something we

For six days since the death of an Iranian blogger Omid Reza Mir-Siafi in the notorious Evin prison. Omid had various posts on his blog criticized the Iranian regime, in special the spiritual leader Khamenei. This meant that Omid Reza was put into Evin and post led to a two-year prison sentence. In prison period, blogger highly degraded and developed with time depression. Among those who served with Omid was a trained physician named Hessem Firozi. georges bataille Firozi gave early notification to management in Evin that Omid Reza needed medical help. Omid Reza had used heavy antidepressant medication to fight their strong depression. Firozi signed on to prison management about the low heart pulse Omid Reza who at one time was under 40 and that it was necessary to have medical supervision outside prison. The management had responded to fan out messages to Firozi and also thought that Omid Reza only "pretending". Omid Reza had spent 41 days in jail years before this incident. The time also protested Reporters Without Borders georges bataille welcomed imprisonment. Most articles on Omid blog referred to Persian music and culture. After sentencing verdict Omid told Reporters Without Borders: "I am a cultural and not a political blogger. Of all the articles I have posted online, there were only two or three that were satirical. I did not intend to offend anyone." Omid blog, Rooznegaar longer available. georges bataille However, the archive can be seen here: This is not the first time a political prisoner in an Iranian prison dies during imprisonment, under similar circumstances Omid. According to official reports, nine people died in Iranian georges bataille prisons in recent years. No later than two weeks since the death of Amir Hossi Hemshmatsaran in prison in Gohardasht prison. He had received a sentence of 16 years to have actively fought against the Iranian regime. Except from the above-mentioned, the following people died in prison: Akkbar Mohamadi (student activist). Zahra Kazemi (journalist), Valliolah Mahdavi (political activist).
Great that someone writes about such things, this is far from Norwegian everyday, but something we all should follow the more experienced. Both political, religious freedom and freedom that is something we never get free, but often have to fight.
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thinking with my fingers
Maria mutineer
Blogger georges bataille Template by Adam Every | Converted from Classic Problogger

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I moderne kunstmuseet i Teheran finnes mer enn tre tusen mesterverk sapranauskas som verden har ikke sett på lenge. Iranske myndigheter mener at kunstverkene inneholder scener som er imot islamske verdier. Picaso, Renoier, Gauguin, Magritte, Miro, Baraque, Warhol, Pollock er noe av kunstner som har mange verk i museenes kjeller. Warhols porteret av Mick Jagger, Marylin Monroe og Mao Zedong sapranauskas er blandt de brømte maleriene.
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Andersson Online
Blogger Template by Adam Every | Converted from Classic Problogger

Friday, April 18, 2014

Social Democracy

The problem is well that Muhammad is produced with more dignity than those infamous cartoons for Jyllands Posten. This tegnngen can say is beautiful, not drawings to JP. Mathias said ... 5:30 pm
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Social Democracy
Uncompromising opinions
Eskil Aasmul
Blogger Template by Adam Every | Converted from Classic Problogger

Thursday, April 17, 2014

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Flukten fra erfaringene en kronikk som ble skrevet av Kåre Willoch og bør leses av alle de som har ikke noen peiling på Midtøstens konflikter . Både venstre side som RV lederen Torstein Dahle som hylde Hizbollah pink sheets og blåbloggere og Ikke minst den sjenerte FRp VamPus . De som gjemme seg bak gjøder ( De er ikke gjøde venner) fordi de hatter muslimer og svartinger. De går inn i blå drakt fordi hater alt som har rødfarge pink sheets (unnetat FRp eple). Jeg synes at Kåre Willoch ser på verden med åpen øye og han er ærlig og menneskelig. Han bør vinne nobel for fredspris ikke personer som Arafat , Rabin eller Bush.
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børge forteller om livet
Blogger Template by Adam Every | Converted from Classic Problogger


Det var 93 år siden på denne dagen som tyrkiske regjering har drept millioner av armenere. De aldri sa unnskyld til den store forbrytelse : folkmord. I dag Iranske armenere paz rodriguez hadde demonstrasjon imot tyrkiske myndigheter i Teheran .
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Andersson Online
Blogger Template by Adam Every | Converted from Classic Problogger

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Blogger Template by Adam Every | Converted from Classic Problogger

Ahmad Batebi som ble arestert i studenes opprør mot iranske regime og har vært i fengsel snart 7 år har fått hjerne infarkt og er i Koma. Han skulle ble løslat for 4 år siden, men myndighetene vill ikke slipe han fri. Han har vært under store press for å komme i TV å be om unskyldning quilter og krever nåde fra Khamenei. Han står på sine krav om frihet og demokrasi for iranske folk.
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børgeking quilter
Andersson Online
Blogger Template by Adam Every | Converted from Classic Problogger

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børge forteller om livet
Blogger Template by Adam Every | Converted from Classic Problogger

Tuesday, April 15, 2014


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Kompromissløse meninger
Eskil Aasmul
Blogger Template microfiber sheets by Adam Every | Converted from Classic Problogger

Monday, April 14, 2014


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Kompromissløse grey bedding meninger
Eskil Aasmul
Blogger Template by Adam Every | Converted from Classic Problogger

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Barbar steinalder regime i iran må veltes i HELHET så fort som mulig . Khatami , Karobi , Mosavi , Rafsanjani har vært regimet største støttspilere i hele 30 åra og er skyldig i all regimets frykt og plyndring og tortur og terrorhandlinger . Hele regimet må stilles for retten å sitter i tiltale benken for 30 år bestialske vianney behandlingen av iranske folk en gang i nær fremtid .
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thinking with my fingers
Maria Mytterist
Blogger Template by Adam Every | Converted from Classic Problogger

Sunday, April 13, 2014

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Kompromissløse meninger
Eskil Aasmul
Blogger Template by Adam Every | Converted from Classic Problogger

Saturday, April 12, 2014


It's revolutionized the children to select missouri star quilt company a new president of Iran. There have been mass demonstrations against Ahmadinejad and for freedom and democracy. They shout slogans against religious laws and regulations and it is mostly women who are more palatable for freedom and human rights. Those who are interested to see how the young people in Iran are fighting to change the theocratic regime can watch the video films that are placed on You Tube.
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Away Blog
Blogger missouri star quilt company Template by Adam Every | Converted from Classic Problogger

Friday, April 11, 2014

Bevegelser (63) Bilder (10) Blogging bohemian bedding (6) Bok (1) Dikt (1) Fotball (5) Fra hjerte (2

Mothers bohemian bedding for Peace in Iran are a group of women who came together bohemian bedding to share their solidarity and belief in peace and harmony in the world and dialogue and understanding rather than violence and war. Today, Sunday, they demonstrated in front of the Palestinian embassy in Tehran. The ladies were shouting "peace-peace, bohemian bedding one two three peace-peace. The demonstration started around 11 am with about 40-50 people, most of them women about my age but there were some younger ones and a few children. On the placards that the ladies were carrying were slogans such as "children are the real victims of blockade and war", "Unprecedented violence in Gaza - Why Silence?", "Stop the genocide in Gaza", "Where is my home?" Mahatma Gandhi's words "resistance is the right of the oppressed and those who have been occupied", "women and children are the victims of wars", and others. These are slogans that we see in the demonstrations that have been taking place right across the world protesting bohemian bedding against this most unbelievably violent retaliation and the silence of the superpowers about this catastrophic human tragedy. Fortsett her.
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Andersson Online
Blogger Template bohemian bedding by Adam Every | Converted from Classic Problogger

Blogger Template by Adam Every | Converted from Classic Problogger

►  2011 (2) ►  juli (1) ►  februar (1) ►  2010 (23) ►  desember (2) ►  september (3) ►  august (1) ►  juli (1) ►  juni (2) ►  mai (7) ►  april (3) ►  romas februar (4) ▼  2009 (147) ►  desember (7) ►  november (2) ►  oktober (2) ►  september (4) ►  august (8) ►  romas juli (19) ▼  juni (47) Bon Jovi og iranske Andy singer for Iran Tehran i dag: aggressive politi Tehran : demonestrasjoner fortsetter visesang for frihet Legen som var hos Neda når hun døde Demonstrasjon foran Stortinget Tehran : 24 juni Politi romas bruker brutalemetoder romas Tehran : 24 juni Politi slår ned demonestrasjon Tehran : 24 juni Tehran: 23 juni Tehran : I går Iran. Tehran : Obama skyter Tehran : tortur Demonestrasjon foran stortinget Tehran: for Neda Iran: dagens demonestrasjon Iran : Kamenei i vredenes flammer Khamenei : Vi dreper Iran: i dag Iran og internet uten navn Khamenei har sagt sin siste ord Politiske romas fotball Viva Twitter Basij militan skyter mot folk Verden må reagere Populær nyhetleser Første offer Protest i mot valgfusk Demonestranter fortsetter Politi angreper demonestranter 62.6% Demonestrasjon i Iran 6 Demonestrasjon i Iran 5 Demonestrasjon romas i Iran 4 Demonestrasjon i Tehran 3 Demonstrasjon i Tehran 2 Demonstrasjon i Tehran Fri Osanloo Valgresultat romas Propaganda 100 Film i 200 sekunder Ahmadinejad bye bye Ny revolusjon Presidenter litteratur og taliban Valg ►  mai (19) ►  april (11) ►  mars (9) ►  februar (8) ►  januar (11) ►  2008 (36) ►  desember (4) ►  november (10) ►  oktober (5) ►  mai (2) ►  april (15) ►  2007 (25) ►  mai (1) ►  april (3) ►  mars (4) ►  februar (10) ►  januar (7) ►  2006 (19) ►  desember (2) ►  august (5) ►  mars (2) ►  februar (6) ►  januar (4) ►  2005 (17) ►  desember (8) ►  september (9) ►  2004 (13) ►  desember (3) ►  november (3) ►  oktober (4) ►  september (1) ►  august romas (1) ►  mai (1) ►  2003 (122) ►  september (17) ►  august (7) ►  juli (38) ►  juni (60)
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børge forteller om livet
Blogger Template by Adam Every | Converted from Classic Problogger

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Protests ease in Iran as leadership mull nuclear demands TEHRAN (AFP) - Anti-regime protests eased i

Protests ease in Iran as leadership mull nuclear demands TEHRAN (AFP) - Anti-regime protests eased in Iran but the Islamic republic's leadership was left mulling demands from abroad to open up the country's pregnancy body pillow nuclear programme -- or else risk yet more serious trouble. Although several thousand pregnancy body pillow demonstrators took to the streets in the cars around Tehran university overnight Monday for the seventh consecutive night, the numbers were down from previous nights and police appeared well in control of the situation. As vehicles toured pregnancy body pillow the street around the campus -- the epicentre pregnancy body pillow of the student-led protests -- few slogans pregnancy body pillow were heard and few dared to honk their horns in a sign of rebellion. Les Mer.
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Monday, April 7, 2014

2014 TV Prato Srl - Via Roma 133, 59100 Prato, Tel 605 386 0574 - Fax 0574 605387. powered by kyr

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Over 150 thousand euro recovered from savers thanks to Prato Prato Confconsumatori And 'This is the result of the last months of work by the Association of Viale Montegrappa whose lawyers have received three favorable rulings regarding olifeja the sale of securities "junk". "Even with these judgments - says Marco Improved, provincial president of Confconsumatori - we have contributed once again to help families and small savers olifeja Prato and 'this is our greatest satisfaction."
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2014 TV Prato Srl - Via Roma 133, 59100 Prato, Tel 605 386 0574 - Fax 0574 605387. powered by kyrs and shakee.

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Home >> Advertising , Featured , News >> Article: Luxury FirstLook 2014 New York Jan. 15: Peninsula Hotels, Barneys, La Prairie, L Oreal Luxe, Pratesi, American Express Publishing Email this Print Reprints my little pony equestria girls ARTICLE my little pony equestria girls TOOLS SPONSOR Receive the latest articles for free. Click here to get the Luxury Daily newsletters. Luxury FirstLook 2014 New York Jan. 15: Peninsula Hotels, Barneys, La Prairie, L Oreal Luxe, Pratesi, my little pony equestria girls American Express Publishing By Staff reports
Registration my little pony equestria girls is open for the second annual Luxury FirstLook: Strategy 2014 conference Wednesday, Jan. 15, 2014 featuring speakers from Peninsula Hotels, my little pony equestria girls Barneys New York, La Prairie, L Oreal Luxe, Pratesi, American Express Publishing, Richart, my little pony equestria girls Hearst s Veranda, Martini my little pony equestria girls Media, The Gate Worldwide and former executives from LVMH and Saks Fifth Avenue.
Organized by Luxury my little pony equestria girls Daily, this daylong New York event is a must-attend for luxury brands, luxury retailers, ad agencies and publishers looking to develop and implement luxury marketing and retail strategies and tactics in 2014, a year where luxury brands are anticipated to post strong growth while gearing themselves for a soft landing in certain markets. Limited to 150 executives, the summit’s attendees will listen to and meet with key executives moving the needle for luxury marketing and retail.
While luxury brands and retailers have registered enviable growth my little pony equestria girls over the past year riding a return to global economic stability, there are concerns my little pony equestria girls over prospects in emerging markets, said Mickey Alam Khan, editor in chief of Luxury Daily, New York.
What will keep demand strong and sustained is careful attention and client grooming my little pony equestria girls in Asia, particularly China, while not taking the eye off U.S., Japanese and European customers who have long stood by luxury brands and retailers in their markets, he said. That said, a more digitally savvy consumer will demand more of luxury brands and experiences, and 2014 seems to be a key year to test old relationships with new technology.
Topics under discussion include positioning at the intersection of luxury hospitality, retail and experiences; shopping strategies of the wealthiest U.S. shoppers; how to be exclusive without being exclusionary; my little pony equestria girls what luxury content should look like; contemporizing a heritage brand; and creating a customer-first digital strategy.
Also included are a fireside chat with the former chief marketing officer of Saks Fifth Avenue and a state-of-luxury address by the former chairman of LVMH U.S. A panel discussing the outlook for luxury marketing and retail will round out the daylong event, preceded by a raffle for a Dom Perignon Champagne.
8:30 a.m. 8:45 a.m. Welcome Speaker: Mickey Alam Khan, editor in chief, Luxury Daily
Asia s oldest hotel company and the first luxury hospitality brand, The Peninsula Hotels has a remarkable story of vision my little pony equestria girls and evolution that has unfolded since 1866. The company will reach a milestone in 2014 with the debut of The Peninsula Paris its first property in Europe taking the number of hotels in the group to 10. Stateside, there are Peninsula hotels in New York, Chicago and Beverly my little pony equestria girls Hills, CA, and overseas, the flagship Hong Kong property is still a standard bearer for the seamless meshing of hospitality and luxury shopping. For Peninsula, its philosophy is not just about four walls and a hotel room, but rather its position as the entry point to the city. The emphasis now is on carving a holistic lifestyle brand, as attendees will learn in this session. Also under discussion are:
Heritage, my little pony equestria girls glamour, quality and passion: the story of the Peninsula brand Insights from China: How the Chinese luxury travel segment is changing Leveraging new channels to bring the Peninsula experience to life Ushering in a new era: The Peninsula Paris Creating a multi-dimensional lifestyle brand: Retail, real estate and branded events Luxury hospitality trends in the year ahead
The world of affluence and wealth consists of families who consider th