New habits: Sefo became safer than pillow | NetPress
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Economy, Macedonia quilting fabric | Tuesday, March 11, 2014, 09:20
"Kradcite not stop: Overnight stay without 5,000 euros", "Skopjan left without his gold." This daily news bulletin that drove 40-year-old man from Skopje Tihomir quilting fabric to remove their savings from under the pillow and to "ensure" the bank safe.
"I was abroad quilting fabric and earned a decent amount that safeguard quilting fabric the special place in my family house for what I knew was I and my wife. Once occurred more traumatic events in the environment, or neighbors lost their entire savings, we have decided to seek safe in the bank and now Judas really sleep, "says Tihomir newspaper" Dnevnik ".
Frequent failures as home to reeling citizens, especially those in the metropolis. Some banks do not even free safes and say that the growing interest in recent times for the banking services. Summer and during the holidays is increasing quilting fabric demand quilting fabric for safe use, when the citizens of a long period out of their homes. Almost all commercial banks hire safes and demand lately quilting fabric is greater.
"Citizens have the interest quilting fabric to use most vaults during the holidays, trips, or when you are at home and want to care for their valuables. I can say that we are quite used, ie no free safes. Not that there is a waiting list, but everything is completed, and if not in our account, then go to another to find the size that fits. We do not know what is stored in the vaults, but often hire individuals .. probably is crucial that the security of valuables is the highest level, "says Antonio Argyros, director of NLB Tobacco bank, told the newspaper.
"Bank rents safes natural or legal persons in Skopje and in the country. Interest in the use of this service in Skopje is satisfactory and shows a slight increase, which can not be found and the smaller places. The general conclusion is that only a small fraction of the population decides to use this service above all assume is due to the mentality of the population given that rental prices are really low and affordable, "said, for" Diary ", in Komercijalna Bank .
"The wide range of services offered by the Bank include Torrent offer various sizes of safes to store securities, objects, documents or other materials. Despite a long tradition of working with safes in Ohrid, Ohrid Bank from now meets the needs of customers in Skopje. The interest in using safes satisfactory, which is understandable given the highest level of security and privacy offered by this method of storage quilting fabric of personal items, "said quilting fabric the Ohrid Bank newspaper.
Experts, however, comment that interest safes still growing because burglaries in homes increasingly more common, and banks in the country are stable and therefore the safety of valuables there is highest.
The price for renting safes vary from bank to bank and depend on the dimensions of the safe. Thus, in one of the largest banks in the country, this service costs from 200 to 900 per month. Safe can be purchased on-year period for the owner to pay from 2,100 up to 9,000 denars.
Bankers explain that vaults can store money and jewelry and other valuable items, but is not allowed to put flammable items and prone to explosion, radioactive substances, weapons, items subject to decay, spoilage, spillage. Safe opens with two keys, one of which is the client and the other bank.
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