Monday, March 2, 2015

Healthy sleep - how to overcome insomnia 2015 | Sitemap

There are no strict matteo and fast rules for sleeping behavior matteo and as always there is individual variation. Your child is unique. If your routine is working, then it is probably best for you. Some approaches work better than others, and the following guidelines have proven to be effective. 1. Make sleep a family priority and part of your daily schedule. Determine how much sleep you need every member of the family, and ensure that it also gets. Talk to your doctor about any problem matteo sleeping. Most of these can be treated or. cure. 2. Learn to recognize sleep problems your child. Signs of sleep problems include impotence sleep, waking at night, snoring, stalling and resistance to leaving the bed, breathing difficulties during sleep, such as loud or heavy breathing. Sleeping problems can be observed in the behavior during the day. If your child seems during the day tired, matteo sleepy or cranky, matteo tell his doctor. 3. Consistency. As with all aspects of parenting are consistency matteo and determination key ingredients for success. Without it, you can not expect that your child will learn the behavior or changed. 4. Teamwork. If the parents are two previously discussing strategy parenting important and it is important that both work as a team. If you are starting with a ritual before bedtime, your child explain your new expectations, of course, if the child is old enough to understand. 5. Define a regular bedtime and awakening. It provides and coordinates expectations for you and your child and allows you to have a good plan sleeping routine. 6. Routine, routine, routine. matteo Children like is successful and it works. Routines help define expectations and strengthen behavior; evening matteo before bedtime routine helps your child to learn to be sleepy, so as you can read in bed some of the adults to sleep. Structure sleeping routines also connects the bedroom with good feelings and provides matteo a sense of security and control. Routines may withdraw the stress matteo of sleep time and help to make this a special time, especially if you have more than one child. 7. Clothing and room temperature. Even here there are no absolute rules, but it serves matteo to dress your child like dress yourself and keep in mind that smaller children often kick a blanket with you and can not cover themselves again. People tend to sleep better in a cooler (not cold) warmer than bedrooms. 8. Transition Metal. Bedtime means separation, and this can be facilitated by a transitional object, such as a doll, teddy bear, blanket or something, which offers comfort. Such a thing can provide a sense of security and control, comfort the child. 9. Theme and quiet. Make sure the room is dark and quiet, and that the level of noise in the house low. If your child does not like a completely dark room, turn on a small night light or leave the light on in the hallway and bedroom door open. 10. One last thing. Children bedtime always get one more thing - kisses, hugs, water. They can be very inventive. This is necessary to predict and everything to do before it's time for bed. Let your child know that once in bed, it must remain there.
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Healthy sleep - how to overcome insomnia 2015 | Sitemap

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