Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Sometimes I have thought that I need to pay per month, almost two thousand a year to keep it. But s

Often prescribed pregnancy pillows fee rate per unit floor area ratio such as 35 baht per square meter, so if the suite is 40 square meters, it would be 1,400 baht fee 16,800 baht per month or a year, and so on.
I think that if the writers decided to buy a new condo, for fear that the deterioration of the buildings and the fear of falling prices. A condo to live and invest. Current fee Condo prices much higher. That had been asked in Soi Ari, new fee is 50 baht per sqm. Seen even wiped a constant need to review again.
Sometimes I have thought that I need to pay per month, almost two thousand a year to keep it. But several factors Bangkok flood year 2554 it began to see twinkling. There are convenient to travel if you ran back to the house every day at work. Billow will not have to pay the condo still fit, but if you do not pay condo fee. It is obliged to pay outstanding property.
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If the unit owner fails to pay the fee. It is not registered By the Condominium Act BE 2522, Section 29, because the entity does not issue public debt load shedding to buyers of condominium units to be registered with the competent authority.
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Stylish Living

Monday, December 30, 2013

Faculty of Engineering Prince animal print bedding of Songkla University (PSU) invites conference p

Home About mechatronics Knicks practice the faculty room. Location and Contact Admission animal print bedding to e-Learning Online Resume Builder Information System Student Activities. Volunteer PIT-NUT House exchange students
Faculty of Engineering Prince animal print bedding of Songkla University (PSU) invites conference participants 1. Conference The 5th PSU-UNS International Conferenceon Engineering and Technology (ICET-2011) Read the details. http://www.icet.eng.psu.ac.th/ 2. Faculty of Engineering, No. 9 (PEC-9) animal print bedding Read details. http://www.pec.eng.psu.ac.th/ Both sessions will be held at Merlin Beach Resort (Tri Billow) Phuket. animal print bedding During Day 2 - May 3, 2554, held in conjunction with the Faculty of Technical Sciences, University of Novi Sad (UNS) Republic of Serbia. With the main objective to provide a platform for presenting animal print bedding research results and scholarly works of faculty and students animal print bedding of the Faculty. As well as from academic institutions and various related entities. Both the public and private Which supports animal print bedding the academic atmosphere. Knowledge exchange And building a good relationship between the professional development of the creative arts, and contribute to the development of community and country. Faculty of Mechatronics Knicks. Invites faculty and students to participate in a research paper presented at a symposium said.

We all have the names of the stars of the name. This will come to you Try it with your own if you h

Searching ... Select a Page Home General Computer dinkel Image applications Accessories Mobile Phone Android IOS Windows dinkel Phone Dharma Buddhist mystics, the principal limit Kazuo telling ghost stories, horoscope about the name.
Title with a translation on water samples as follows Hydrotherapy means water accordingly translated as liquor Lady of liquor dinkel Swamp translated as swamps, lakes found that water Saichon Limnology translated as river, canal, sea staved mean sea ocean mean sea River Reservoir. That pond fish Control of the Web means that cane sugar rain means rain, rain Jumna means big river Lahan means waters dinkel century mean annual rainfall Wrrษa means rainy season Varuna to say, the rain deity of rain materials, Silvassa translation. that of old glaciers means river to shape them to get to Tara translates as stream stream means a stream Saichon translated as river water immediately imply that the Choltr translates as river-sea basin, the water-line area means river fleet means. Sea retirement means milk billow mean wave amplifier means and Mead found that honey-sweetened juice, sea means the waters in the time-honored means tea water means rain nectar imply that water belongs to the angels and magical holy means. translated as holy water nectar syrup, sugar cane juice bee.
When found, then it must learn to spell his name in English. Our name in English, it has a number of stars involved. Same name and ...
The family dinkel name is what we have come since then, both men and women born world title and surname. A relationship that is both the title and the ...
We all have the names of the stars of the name. This will come to you Try it with your own if you have a name. For example, to The following may ...
Are discussed in this translation. Many of you are wondering what our name means anything, just try to find a translation of it. In this Separate names with a translation like. Or similar device ...
This time we will talk about woman's name without splitting birthday, but there will be translation such as Kanya Kanya belle belle belle belle Ng ...
Today to speak & spell names.

Sunday, December 29, 2013

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Friday, December 27, 2013

Using Fibonacci Retracement 1. Use it to find the support resistance (Support and Res.

It is uncomfortable to be told. For those interested in starting heizdecke to trade Forex like "a beginning" (for nothing) heizdecke What are the steps in the trades, which tells how detailed every step. Able to trade Alex Fort (Forex) yourself immediately. In this presentation, the only reason why. The feelings of those who want to trade. It is for the knowledge to teach anywhere. This is the sense of the blog's owner at the time wanted to learn, but know what to do?? The only
Fibonacci Number Fibonacci is called serial wonders. Set up by the inventor of the LEONARDS FIBONACCI which noted that natural proportional to this number. Later, the application used to analyze stock Fibonacci as a tool to measure support - Resistance and a fair price on the Forex market traders mostly used because Fibonacci is simple and basic. We should heizdecke know The format is two characteristics are often used to support the Fibonacci retracement resistance rates in the horizontal plane, the vertical line of the Fibonacci fan. Most of the commonly used It will be the first Implementation Proportions used Was calculated as a% of the 0 (0%) 0.236 (23.6%) 0.382 (38.2%) 0.500 (50%) 0.618 (61.8%) 0764 (76.4%) 1.00 (100%) 1.382 (138.2%) 1.618 (161.8. %) 2.618 (261.8%) heizdecke 4.236 (423.6%), the red number is the number that must give special importance because it is the point on the candle or the Fibonacci correction that can be used to measure both small waves. Primarily as comfort and the waves It is also often measured in small waves. Usually correspond to the primary waves are sometimes surprising. If the corresponding Should give priority to that point much lower Fibonacci heizdecke ask the user where and where would be a good question for a beginner. Some people do not know where to start the drag. Have to go back and repeat the above says that the support for the resistance and target price. I have to head to the end of the first wave, first select Fibonacci go to Insert >> Fibonacci heizdecke >> heizdecke Retracement. Dragged on the graph by Fibonacci traditional supplied with Mt4 is no price attached to the various levels of Fibonacci heizdecke as shown below on the Fibonacci on the Chart, right-click the Chart Select heizdecke Objects List option Fibonacci, click Edit on Click. Fibo Levels, click on Edit, type =% $ down to the end of the channel Descriptions of all.
Using Fibonacci Retracement 1. Use it to find the support resistance (Support and Res.

Thursday, December 26, 2013

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The original song is called lietuvosrytas LEVAN POLKKA. First, the original lyrics, in finish: Nuapurista kuulu se polokan tahti jalakani pohjii kutkutti. Ievan äiti se tyttöösä vahti vaan kyllähän Ieva sen jutkutti, sillä ei meitä silloin kiellot haittaa kun myö tanssimme laiasta laitaan. Salivili hipput tupput täppyt äppyt tipput hilijalleen. lietuvosrytas Ievan suu oli vehnäsellä ko immeiset lietuvosrytas onnee toevotti. Peä oli märkänä jokaisella ja viulu se vinku ja voevotti. Ei tätä poikoo märkyys haittaa sillon ko laskoo laiasta laitaan. Salivili hipput. Ievan äiti se kammarissa virsiä veisata huijjuutti, kun tämä poika naapurissa ämmän tyttöä nuijjuutti. Eikä tätä poikoo ämmät haittaa sillon ko laskoo laiasta laitaan. Salivili. Siellä oli lystiä soiton jäläkeen sain minä kerran sytkyyttee. Kottiin ko mäntii ni ämmä se riitelj ja Ieva jo alako nyyhkyytteek. Minä sanon Ievalle mitäpä se haittaa laskemma vielähi laiasta laitaa. Salivili. Muorille sanon jotta tukkee lietuvosrytas suusi en ruppee sun terveyttäs takkoomaa. lietuvosrytas Terveenä peäset ku korjoot luusi ja määt siitä lietuvosrytas murjuus makkoomaa. Ei tätä poikoo hellyys haittaa ko akkoja huhkii laiasta laitaan. Salivili. Sen minä sanon jotta purra pittää ei mua niin voan nielasta. Suat männä ite vaikka lännestä ittään vaan minä en luovu Ievasta, sillä ei tätä poikoo kainous haittaa sillon ko tanssii laiasta laitaan. And now the translation in ENGLISH: The sound of a polka drifted from my neighbor's and set my feet a-tapping oh! Ieva's mother had her eye on her daughter but Ieva she managed to fool her, you know. 'Cause who's going to listen to mother saying no when we're all busy dancing to and fro! Ieva was smiling, the fiddle it was wailing as people crowded round to wish her luck. Everyone was hot but it didn't seem to bother the handsome young man, the dashing buck. 'Cause who's going to mind a drop of sweat when he's all busy dancing to and fro! Ieva's mother she shut herself away in her own quiet room to hum a hymn. Leaving our hero to have a spot of fun in a neighbor's house when the lights are dim. 'Cause what does it matter what the old folks say when you're all busy dancing to and fro! When the music stopped then the real fun began and that's lietuvosrytas when the laddie lietuvosrytas fooled around. When he took her home, when the dancing was over her mother angrily waiting they found. But I said to her, Ieva, now don't you weep and we'll soon be dancing to and fro! I said to her mother now stop that noise or I won't be responsible for what I do. If you go quietly and stay in your room you won't get hurt while your daughter I woo. 'Cause this fine laddie is a wild sort of guy when he's all busy dancing to and fro! One thing I tell you is you won't trap me, no, you won't find me an easy catch. Travel to the east and travel to the west but Ieva and I are going to make a match. 'Cause this fine laddie ain't the bashful sort when he's all busy dancing to and fro. original source http://performyourmagic.blogspot.com
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Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Pentru parfumurile personalizate, preturile pornesc de la 10.000 Lei si pot ajunge pana la 50.000 Le

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Cel mai recent lansat lea delaria studio de creatie olfactiva, Natura lea delaria si distinctie , este un loc primitor, pe strada lea delaria Dr. Victor Babes 17 din Bucuresti. Ii apartine Alinei Ieva . Impreuna cu ea, dupa o intalnire in care ii precizati detalii precum ora si data nasterii sau care sunt cele mai vii amintiri olfactive, dar si altele care o ajuta sa determine ce tip de personalitate aveti, ce comportament sau stil de viata, va puteti crea aroma potrivita.
Instruita intai ca medic, si apoi ca specialist in parfumuri, in laboratoarele din Grasse, Franta, Alina spune ca prima dintre meseriile sale este ceea ce o face diferita de un nas (creator de parfumuri). Eu creez din punct de vedere stiintific (al aspectelor medicale si psiho-informationale) si folosesc calitatea olfactiva doar pentru a spune OK, e ceea ce am gandit sau nu .
Inainte de a trece la crearea parfumului si alegerea notelor care va plac, Alina va ajuta sa descoperiti zona de maxima perceptie senzoriala, adica locul din jurul nasului unde simtiti cel mai pregnant aroma. Modalitatea va ajuta sa identificati cu mai multa acuratete mirosurile care va plac si care nu. Parfumul trebuie sa miroasa lea delaria intr-o infinitate de moduri, trebuie doar sa avem capacitatea de a descifra ceea ce creierul preia de la receptori , spune ea. In plus, parfumurile sunt percepute diferit de oameni, ca urmare a memoriilor olfactive lea delaria diferite, a factorilor de timp sau a celor de mediu. De exemplu, un parfum miroase diferit intr-o zi insorita fata de cum miroase intr-o zi ploioasa .
Pentru a intelege putin mai mult din povestea ingredientelor unui parfum, Alina m-a invitat sa simt diferenta dintre materia bruta (extractul lea delaria de tip esenta) si substanta cu calitati olfactive, care se prepara din acesta, prin metode de dinamizare si potentare a moleculelor. E un proces tehnologic, biochimic , spune aratandu-mi cum miroase santalul pregatit pentru a intra in compozitia unui parfum. Iar diferenta dintre cele doua e notabila! Iar povestea lea delaria spumei de lemn, adica aroma lemnului peste care a cazut spuma apei (in valuri), este inca unul dintre detaliile cunoscute doar de catre adevaratii iubitori ai parfumurilor. Amestecul de apa sarata si lovirea materialului creeaza note distincte, pretioase pentru unele parfumuri.
Alina Ieva nu creeaza pentru anumite lea delaria tipologii, desi recunoaste ca i se pare fascinant cum se etaleaza un parfum pe un barbat si cum o face pe o femeie. Creez parfumuri pe arhetipuri umane , precizeaza ea, adaugand apoi ca exista o legatura intre cifra destinului, zodia fiecaruia si parfumul cel mai potrivit.
Pentru parfumurile personalizate, preturile pornesc de la 10.000 Lei si pot ajunge pana la 50.000 Lei pentru cele elaborate in laboratorul din Grasse. Pretul unei variante nepersonalizate, precum o editie de Paste, disponibila acum in studio, este de 1.200 Lei (50 ml) sau 700 Lei (5 ml).
Irina Milenkovici lea delaria (Art PR) planuieste pentru petrecerea de Anul Nou o cina clasica, intr-un decor de [...]
Stefan lea delaria George on Gucci, lea delaria sponsor al Galei LACMA Art+Film Stefan George on Book Cover Tee – Capitolul lea delaria IV Vlad on Street Style Star OnlineArts on BAZAAR recomanda: Stefan Caltia, la AnnArt DeAici on BAZAAR Spy
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Make up Nyna: Sweepstakes Network Deborah Milano Milano (CLOSED): As I promised in the previous post, today I bring you the swatches of the seven tones of the new range of lipsticks Milano Red ...
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Monday, December 23, 2013

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Ieva Laguna ne prezinta o plimbare pe plaja, acum cand toamna se apropie, pentru ultimul numar al revistei Wonderland. Stilul retro si silueta sexy a modelului creeaza in acest pictorial o atmosfera parca de basm.
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Saturday, December 21, 2013

Introduceți un număr de telefon pentru a vă putea contacta

Maria Ieva – Alfabetul Mirării – Publicare carte
Introduceți un număr de telefon pentru a vă putea contacta

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Portalul mobilităţii pentru greiti ir isiute 6 Europa ocuparea Fortea greiti ir isiute 6 de Munce G

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Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Liniştea pe care o transmite şi celor din jur a făcut ca discuţia între noi să se lege cât se poate

Lola's dakimakura Box – Alina Ieva, magicianul parfumurilor elegante
De mici descoperim parfumul şi cu toate ne dorim să avem o esenţă personală, care să ne scoată dakimakura în evidenţă şi să ne facă iubite şi apreciate. Dar ne-am întrebat vreodată cum se realizează dakimakura parfumurile exclusiviste? Tot ceea ce este frumos şi ne place poate fi cuprins într-o sticluţă graţie pasiunii unui medic, care şi-a cultivat dakimakura pasiunea pentru osmologie ortomoleculară.
Pe Alina Ieva am avut plăcerea şi onoarea s-o întâlnesc la BMW Driving Experience Ladies Only , atunci când, în ambianţa elegantă a Palatului Mogoşoaia , ne-a dezvăluit câteva din secretele parfumeriei. Am rămas fascinată de cele spuse de ea, iar posibilitatea de a pătrunde în universul său a devenit o prioritate dakimakura pe lista “TO DO” pentru perioada următoare. Nu sunt genul care să cred prea uşor în minuni, dar dorinţa mi s-a îndeplinit mai repede decât mi-aş fi imaginat.
Soarele mijlocului de septembrie îmi călăuzeşte paşii pe străduţele din zona în care se află studioul Natură şi distincţie al Dr. Alina Ieva . Fără să vreau, emoţiile îşi fac simţită prezenţa, dovadă că îmi masez mâinile în timp ce merg cu paşi mărunţi. Mă văd în faţa uşii şi realizez că nu mai pot da înapoi, pentru că am sunat deja la uşă. Care se deschide şi pătrund într-un univers parcă interzis muritorului de rând…
Când am cunoscut-o prima dată, imaginea o asociam cu cea a unui alchimist, dar intrarea în studio a spulberat viziunea mea – şi emoţiile care mă stăpâneau. Vocea caldă, calmul de care dă dovadă – cred că aşa este indiferent de situaţie -, ambianţa din interior au avut darul să mă liniştească şi să uit de nebunia care predomină în Bucureşti. dakimakura Studioul este departe de ce mi-aş fi putut imagina. Mai multe budoare foarte elegante, dakimakura fiecare cu stilul propriu, te poartă într-o lume din care ţi-ai dori să nu ieşi prea curând.
Liniştea pe care o transmite şi celor din jur a făcut ca discuţia între noi să se lege cât se poate de natural şi am avut posibilitatea să descopăr o persoană dakimakura foarte deschisă. După absolvirea facultăţii de medicină a ajuns să lucreze în cercetare, dar într-o bună zi a început să simtă că ceva îi lipseşte. A fost suficient un singur imbold din partea cuiva drag: a închiriat un laborator în Franţa , un loc unde avea posibilitatea de a-şi pune în aplicare pasiune pentru parfumuri. dakimakura
Atunci când a pătruns pentru prima dată în laboratorul din Franţa, echipa de acolo a privit-o cu neîncredere, fiind convinşi că este o altă pasionată de chimie şi nimic mai mult. Nu aveau de unde să ştie că privesc o femeie care avea un doctorat – biofizică medicală aplicată – şi pentru care pasiunea îşi are rădăcinile în copilărie, atunci când, întrebată fiind ce îşi doreşte, singura ei dorinţă era sticluţa cu esenţă de violete dakimakura de Parma. Cu timpul, echipa laboratorului a înţeles că ceea ce vedeau la Alina Ieva este pasiunea în cea mai pură formă a sa. Şi nu mare i-a fost surpriza când, într-o bună zi, a fost primită cu aplauze de colegi şi i-au propus să se alăture cu drepturi depline echipei. dakimakura
Mi-e greu să spun cum mă simţeam când am auzit această poveste, realizând că am în faţa ochilor o femeie care trebuie să fie foarte fericită pentru că face ceea ce îi place cel mai mult. Dar, parcă vrând să mă coboare din nori, m-a condus în sala esenţelor, locul în care stau toate ingredientele minune cu care realizează parfumurile. Când se deschide uşa, ai impresia că intri în cel mai desăvârşit laborator de chimie – toate esenţele sunt ţinute în recipiente de laborator, printre acestea numărându-se şi cea mai scumpă esenţă , cea de nufăr, pe care am avut plăcerea să o miros. dakimakura Materiile prime pentru parfumuri sunt extracte speciale, iar cele pe care le foloseşte Dr. Alina Ieva sunt produse în laboratorul dakimakura din Grasse , unul a cărui tradiţie datează încă 1747.
Îmbătată de atâtea arome, am pus şi o întrebare care îmi stăruia în minte, deşi anticipam răspuns: cât este parfum personalizat şi cât este esenţa comercială pe care o ştim cu toţii? dakimakura Ei bine, NU, nu este parfumul comercial, ci un produs exclusivist, personalizat pentru fiecare client dakimakura în parte, pentru că depinde numărul destinului, de preferinţele celui căruia i se adresează. De altfel, când îi treci pragul, trebuie să o faci cu sufletul deschis, dakimakura poate mai mult decât atunci când mergi la spovedanie. Pentru a nu-i fi distrasă atenţia, întâlnirile sunt one-to-one , în care Alina, printr-un chestionar perfecţionat în timp, încearcă să-l cunoască mai bine (caracter, amintiri, pasiuni etc) pe cel din faţa sa. Fără îndoială, pentru cei introvertiţi, poate părea un supliciu, dar nici rezultatul nu va fi aproape de perfecţiune. Am înţeles că parfumul are faţete dintre cele mai diverse, dakimakura iar una dintre dovezi a fost prin simpla picurare a unui singur strop într-un pahar, care, ţinut la piept, a degajat aroma. Mai mult, fiecare mirosire a aceluiaşi dakimakura parfum va face ca simţul olfactiv să ne tr

I met Ieva last year in Munich. She was an Erasmus student at the Art Academy, with a focus on glas.

Din păcate am avut o săptămână aglomerată şi nu am putut să mă pregătesc foarte bine pentru articolul de astăzi. De aceea vă las cu o ştire despre o prietenă şi vă invit să citiţi interviul despre Poveşti keepsake quilting Săseşti publicat la începutul săptămânii.
Unfortunately I had a busy week and I did not have enough keepsake quilting time to prepare for today's inspiration.  That's why, I'm leaving you with news from a friend of mine and I invite you to take a look at the i nterview about a blog , telling stories about the Transylvanian Saxons I published earlier keepsake quilting this week. 
Pe Ieva am cunoscut-o anul trecut în München, dar ea este din Lituania. A fost studentă Erasmus la Akademie der Bildenden Künste, la secţia de sticlă. Este o fată mereu zâmbitoare, serios, de fiecare dată  când am întâlnit-o Ieva râdea. 
I met Ieva last year in Munich. She was an Erasmus student at the Art Academy, with a focus on glas. She is always smiling and I can't reminder a time when we met and she wasn't keepsake quilting smiling or laughing. Photos by  Sara Chaparro Azi dimineaţă am aflat că Ieva este câştigătoarea premiului Stanislav Libenský Award 2013, care s-a decernat la Praga. Premiul Stansilav Libenský este un premiu keepsake quilting pentru artiştii care lucrează cu sticlă, aflat la cea de-a 5-a ediţie, iar Ieva a fost aleasă din 71 de participanţi. Din păcate nu am nicio fotografie cu lucrarea pe care Ieva a înscris-o în concurs, keepsake quilting dar puteţi vedea mai sus lucrările expuse de ea la Expoziţia anuală a studenţilor de la Academia de Arte din München de anul trecut.
Today I found out that Ieva is the winner keepsake quilting of the Stanislav Libenský Award 2013, which was awarded yesterday in Prague. The Stanislav Libenský Award is an award for the glas artists keepsake quilting around the world, now at it's fifth edition, and Ieva was selected as winner from 71 participants from around the world. Unfortunately I don't have any photos of her winning work, but you can see in the pictures above her works from the yearly exhibition held at the Academy of Fine Arts in Munich every year.
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Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Fabrizio darrell sheets Corona has attempted suicide in jail the night of October 19? Yesterday the

Fabrizio Corona has attempted suicide in prison? After the denial of his lawyers and his brother darrell sheets Federico comes also that of the individual concerned. The former boyfriend of TV star argentina Belen Rodriguez has firmly rejected all the gossip and rumors published in the last few days and was vented in a letter read by his brother during the television program "Iceberg" aired on Telelombardia.
The former king of the paparazzi Italian reiterated that he had never attempted suicide since he was in prison. Fabrizio Corona explained that he had never thought of suicide nor the evening of 19 October. He said that no one has ever taken photos because the Opera prison is hard enough, serious and stiff.
The former husband of Nina Moric Fabrizio Corona, then harshly attacked the editor of the weekly Today, Umberto Brindani, for having launched the rumor about his suicide attempt: "Dear Brindani, darrell sheets you have to be ashamed for what you wrote because darrell sheets I have a 11 year old son who goes to school, where classmates darrell sheets and the teachers speak and he is not to blame. darrell sheets He has already suffered too much and does not want to know anything about these falsehoods. You have to be ashamed because I have a mother who suffers and cries for nine months, and it's not good because it has lost the person darrell sheets she loved. Every night he gets up and cries and is so fragile that it could believe in bullshit like that which has been reported on your newspaper. "
He stressed that it is not only in the cell, but always with the same inmate in South America. Crown asserted that he had never acted with force and added that he had never quarreled with anyone.
Fabrizio darrell sheets Corona has attempted suicide in jail the night of October 19? Yesterday the shocking news exclusively launched by the weekly darrell sheets Today has quickly darrell sheets made the rounds of the Net alarming all the fans and family of the former king of the Italian paparazzi. The brother of Fabrizio Federico Corona, and the lawyers of the well-known television personality have categorically denied this rumor.
Fabrizio Corona, who has been in jail for almost a year, has not attempted darrell sheets suicide and has maintained a defiant and aggressive inside the prison walls. Frederick posted darrell sheets a video on the Facebook page of his brother to tell the whole truth.
"We go to find family every week - he told his brother Fabrizio darrell sheets - and monitor his condition. We are outraged by the looting of the media where my brother is a victim. An attack on the dignity of a man who, for eleven months has been serving the sentence head-on, addressing his sufferings, without giving up an inch, let alone think of suicide. Since being locked up is behaving like a model prisoner - he continued - and has a civil relationship with the other inmates. Now all the legal measures will be taken. "
The former companion of TV star argentina Belen Rodriguez and Fabrizio Corona, was also defended by his lawyers Ivano Gianluca Maris Church and that in a letter sent to the magazine Today they have specified that the news reported in this article are absolutely not correspond to the truth. "It is not true that Fabrizio Corona has put in place a 'desperate act' - reads the statement - it is not true that we have covered the nose, mouth, etc. .. with patches darrell sheets of cloth, it is not true that would be over a few days in the infirmary because of this. Similarly, do not correspond to the reality that the transfer in Opera would be required to 'spare his retaliation from other inmates as a result of his alleged darrell sheets quarrel': the reason is quite different, and simply tied to the needs dictated darrell sheets by the Department of ' Prison Administration. Similarly, it is not corresponding darrell sheets to the reality that Fabrizio Corona has a bad relationship darrell sheets with the other inmates and prison officers with prison Opera - have pursued legal - nor that he came to blows with anyone of them. To our knowledge darrell sheets it is exactly the opposite. " After these denials, fans of Fabrizio Corona breathed a sigh of relief!
Fabrizio darrell sheets Corona darrell sheets has attempted suicide in prison? The rumor had sprung up on the web a month ago in the aftermath of one of the most difficult and dramatic days of the former king of the paparazzi Italian and has made a comeback after the weekly news today re-launched the rebuilding what has happened October 19 last in prison in Opera. According to the magazine, the former husband of Nina Moric would try to choke covering your nose and mouth with the patches.
"It is not clear whether this was a suicide attempt or a demonstrative gesture - it says on the website today - but according to the reconstruction of the week, would have required

Monday, December 16, 2013

Abel Veiga Related Articles: Local elections in São Tomé and Príncipe in regional should be postpon

Tela Non >> Litigation, kashwere Justice and Electoral Conflict in debate in São Tomé
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As part of a program funded by the European Union and implemented kashwere by UNDP, on behalf of the African kashwere Portuguese-speaking countries and East Timor, the presidents of Constitutional Courts of the respective countries discuss in São Tomé a relevant theme for the archipelago.
The Sao Tome authorities praised the opportunity in the country hosting kashwere the conference on litigation, justice and electoral conflicts. Next year, Sao Tome and Principe, performs local and regional elections on the island of Principe. Furthermore there is an ongoing revision of the electoral law. Diploma that will impact the election kashwere process next year.
According to the President kashwere of the Constitutional Court, José Bandeira, to exchange experience with their African counterparts kashwere from English-speaking and East Timor, will allow to improve the work of the Constitutional Court, which has also been critical in elections and beyond.
The president kashwere Manuel Pinto da Costa, who opened kashwere the conference, said the bathrooms phenomenon, ie purchase of consciousness as something sick and elections in Sao Tome and Principe, threatens the credibility of the elections and represents a serious danger to the democracy itself. "In a country like Sao Tome and Principe, where the so-called" bath ", that we need to confront and eradicate it once and for all, is a phenomenon that, by their nature, can distort and constrain the truth conditional kashwere election before voters legitimacy of those called to exercise power on behalf of the people, "said the Head of State.
Another ongoing action to strengthen democracy more than elections, the Chief of State Sao Tome highlighted. "And let me stress the importance for development to countries like Sao Tome and Principe, political stability and its democratic regime.
It therefore decided to commit myself, responding to repeated calls for all political parties and organizations of the civil society, the realization of a "National Dialogue on the future of the country" that promotes the necessary consensus that there will be structural reforms, especially as regards their political system, the country needs to take a qualitative leap towards an accelerated development permitting Sao Tome and Principe win the big challenge for this twenty-first century is to overcome poverty , pointed out the President.
Abel Veiga Related Articles: Local elections in São Tomé and Príncipe in regional should be postponed I have followed the election campaign in Sao Tome and Principe, have seen the usual electoral disputes and campaign promises Electoral Commission expects 8% increase in the number of voters in Sao Tome and Principe Census for presidential elections starting this month President of the Supreme Court requested a meeting with all the organs of sovereignty
The European Union invests in stp country that does not practice justice. Consider OS comrades kashwere who are trained in the field, who do not give any example, are corrupt: varela, Daio .... do not think they are serious. It is very difficult for African countries, see honest lawyers, stp is no exception, alas! Imola.
UNDP wants to hire a (a) Local Security Assistant Cafuca promotes exhibition of painting and sculpture at the home of Race Culture is suspected visit to the building Tela Non parliamentary majority suspends debate for 15 days OGE OGE-2014 answers the needs of infrastructuring The country cart before the horse? International Biennial kashwere of São Tomé (BIS) warms Pepe Lima in Concert at the French Alliance Financial Agreement between Sao Tome and Principe and Angola black on white political authorities and civil society paid tribute to Mandela at the premises of the South African embassy Music Sao Tome took Hitchhiking to success Sao Tome and Principe continues without improvements in the Corruption Perception Index. kashwere Travel / Economic Cycle of Sao Tome and Principe UNDP wants to hire a (a) Local Security Assistant Vigil for Mandela Square in Independence

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Given the clarifications and documents mentioned above there is no reason or no room for suspicions

Tela Non Elysium >> Teixeira spokesman ADI in the complaint against the firm Delfim Neves will be criminally prosecuted
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The company DS Neves announced that it will introduce a complaint against kedainietis crime Elísio Teixeira, libel and defamation. After all the 3000 tonnes of rice, which according Elísio Teixeira (pictured), are on the market kedainietis and are unfit for consumption, still not even arrived in the country.
1. When it enters the public prosecutor of a case of suspicion against His Excellency Minister of Commerce Industry and Tourism and Director of DAF this Ministry, the Lord Elísio Teixeira, on behalf of his party ADI said: "... We have an injury to the state business having been made a direct award to import 3,000 tonnes of rice ... ".... The rice that was imported not have quality for human consumption, is dirty and smelly. "This is an import made by DSNEVES firm LIMITED ..."
a) The firm Nevis Power Model, Limited, as other companies based in São Tomé and Príncipe, You contact were to participate in a contest for market consultation through in Note 19/DAF/MCIT/2013 of January 24, 2013 (DOC.1 and 1a);
b) At the opening of the proposal it was found that eight national companies were contacted and only three competed namely: The Model Food Neves, Limited, Limited DFL and Cash & Carry Limited. As can be seen in the minutes of the opening of the proposals submitted by the competitors of the day February 8, 2013 (document kedainietis 2 and 2a);
c) After opening and consequent evaluation of proposals by the juries of the Firm Model contest was notified by note No. 49/DAF/MCIT/2013 of 13 February of this year, that was the winner of that competition (DOC 3)
Given the clarifications and documents mentioned above there is no reason or no room for suspicions of facilitismo kedainietis act like you wanted Elísio Teixeira, kedainietis convince public opinion in their statements.
d) Upon completion of the award frima Model Food Neves, Limited, in line with the BGFI BANK, signed a proposal to open a documentary credit for import of 3000 tonnes kedainietis of rice, long grain, of Indian origin, 5% broken packaged in bags of 25 kilos (DOC 4 and 4a);
e) After the signing of the above agreement, the BGFI BANK, requested the currency hedge to the Central Bank of Sao Tome and Principe to guarantee payment of the product abroad and got positive response from higher financial institution in the country through the note Ref. 12/MPC/DOG/2013 of 18 March 2013 (DOC 5);
f) After about 3 weeks after receipt by BGFI BANK note the exchange coverage THE Central Bank proceeded with the opening of documentary credit for import of 3000 tonnes of rice, the contractual conditions (DOC 6 and 6th), being ongoing throughout this process in anticipation of the product arriving in the country during the month of June of the current year;
g) Highlight is that the credit was opened with guarantees provided by the Firm Model Food Neves BGFI BANK, taking into account the delays in payment by the state of 30% to confirm the order at the time of conclusion of the contract;
h) for the import of 900 tons of rice through our sub-region (market Douala - Cameroon) kedainietis was a specific operation for the regular market supply avoiding the possible breakup of stock taking into account the delays in the operation of the 3000 tons of part of BGFI BANK, which has faced several kedainietis difficulties to find an American or European Bank in the first row to ensure and confirm the Documentary Credit opened by the bank in order to meet the contractual requirements of the supplier;
i) With respect to imports above, has nothing to do with the defendant in the competition product, kedainietis ie the 3000 tonnes of rice, whether its quality, quantity, origin and packaging. I repeat a specific operation was to avoid disrupting the stock market keeping stocked until the arrival of 3000 tonnes of rice scheduled for the month of June:
j) It is further clarified that have bought 900 tonnes of rice in Douala, the prospect of boarding have been made on the first vessel contracted for that purpose, and to begin charging the pure point guard and simply refused to sail his ship toward S.Tomé with arguments that there is information circulated the existence of pirates at sea São Tomé and Príncipe. kedainietis Of all the explanations and clarifications provided either by the charterer or its agent in São Tomé Ecuador Travel, the owner did not reconsider its position and had become q

I agree ctgo emilio bridges we stop this cheating shuffling the cards to deceive the people. Presid

Tela Non Santomense >> WHERE IS PATRIOTISM?
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That is why I ask, where were the opposition parties when appointing accuquilt the current Government of ADI, then President of the Republic, de Menezes? They did not know who was to be appointed / institutionalized a minority government, in flagrant violation of constitutional standards because accuquilt STP was not required to ADI filing a parliamentary support that supports the survival of his government? In a democracy politicians must tell the truth and only truth to the people. After the parliamentary elections of 2010, all walked to preach that "whoever wins should govern." This does not match the truth. Because in a democracy is that the majority rules. So if it was not this much vaunted accuquilt distortion of democracy, the winner of the election with a relative majority, the ADI would have negotiated the parliamentary support of his government, with one of the current opposition parties, if they wanted to govern or, the President accuquilt would to convene the second most voted party to, form the government since submitted its parliamentary support, thus fulfilling the constitutional requirements of the republic.
So it was that everyone accepted the political arrangement in 2010, no one knows in exchange for what, allowing the formation of a minority government, something accuquilt never seen in any other part of our planet. Let invented because it was supposed that all current Santomean opposition parties who agreed to live in our political accuquilt system with a minority government, were intended not to create difficulties for the country and enable discover a path to development. And now ask yourself, where did this patriotism, when the current minority government has made more than two years of governance, missing only a few months to complete its mandate?
To conclude this discussion I propose to all the STP, the situation is so complicated that, I think there is another alternative that does not pass through a dissolution accuquilt of parliament and call for early elections to be held within ninety accuquilt days precepts as Article accuquilt 21, paragraph 2, of Law No. 11/90 of 26 November -... Electoral Law. It's no longer confidence, political cohabitation and even respect for institutions, ie the organs of sovereignty, as we have just been treated to pugilism in the National Assembly. Thus we have the possibility to clarify the national political situation and, whoever wins the election will have the blessing of the people to govern the country in the next and future four-year term. Perchance, if none of the competitors to early 2013 elections political parties, winning an absolute majority to not have problems in forming his government, which gain relative majority will be required to negotiate a parliamentary support to not go back to having the same situation today.
Now, upon reading this my reflection and contribution to the outcome of the current situation, will question, accuquilt surely the means to the realization of the early parliamentary elections of 2013. In responding, I would also ask if, of all regular elections, already efctuou in the country, for the normal functioning of our democracy accuquilt ever undertaken with the money of the country were. Of course it is common knowledge that have always been carried out with the financial support of our international partners. On the other hand, we have to make local elections in 2013 and, if it were not the case, the laws in 2014.
Therefore, to clarify the current political situation of Sao Tome and Principe and the good of the country, that power be returned to the people so that he sovereignly decides who will rule for the next four years without any hustle, towards development.
Emilio Pinto Bridges Related accuquilt Articles: Political Situation Santomense National Assembly meets this morning to extend its mandate and discuss accuquilt changing election date to Santomean Association of Women Lawyers-Family ASMJ Santomean accuquilt sick "Sao Tome and Principe are created is far from a country where you can say that there is democracy '
I agree ctgo emilio bridges we stop this cheating shuffling the cards to deceive the people. President Pinto da Costa has courage and dismiss this government. Excesses eventually travel abroad at the expense accuquilt of all contribuintes.vamos accountable without fear or sophistry
Wanted and looking honest and upright men!
ct, you read the text did not see the man signed own name without fear. You live hidden. This gentleman lives in Luanda he will be led to expensive

Friday, December 13, 2013

For my part, I was inspired enough to make a fan-girl pilgrimage to be part of the studio audience o

Larry Emdur’s Suit and other musings from Tele Visions Day 3 from Jessie Scott –
It was with great excitement, perusing feather pillows the Tele Visions program guide (with its satisfying rustle of newsprint) feather pillows that I noted the inclusion of Emile Zile’s great undergrad work Larry Emdur’s Suit . A small classic of it’s time, I can’t think of a better feather pillows moment to uncover it, or a better context in which it should be viewed, than this excellent festival of what television was, should have, and could have been.
Larry Emdur’s Suit loomed large in my imagination as a budding media artist. Emile was a few years ahead of me at uni, but light years ahead in his understanding of the medium. I was too young to be awed by the reputations of our lecturers, whose names had not penetrated my north-west suburban enclave. But Larry Emdur was a name I knew, and Emile’s hybrid, cult-y, turn of the century TV stunt raised my antennas to what electronic art could be.
There’s Emile, part Edward Scissor Hands/part Wu Tang Clan, ably filling the frame with studied awkwardness; not just in a video, On Television. The cognitive dissonance of seeing this for the first time was astonishing: it wasn’t just any TV it was ultimate prime time chew-cud: The Price is Right. There he is cracking wise with plastic fantastic Larry , playing the game, not giving away the joke, carefully treading the line between performance and reality. A line that, in the wake of the 90s talk show phenomenon , and before reality TVs total dominion , had suddenly become feather pillows very blurred. It was prescient a death knell to hackish old analogue, sent from the past to the future, sincere, hysterical and knowing.
It was genuinely thrilling to see him there on television, even though it was a joke at TVs expense, that we the art audience were also party to. Of course, I never actually saw it on the box. I saw it at school, in galleries, probably in a bar somewhere once. It was of TV, but not for TV. Encountering it on free-to-air now, it occurs to me that much of the context of this work has been lost in the media churn. Larry is no longer feather pillows darling of the blue rinse set, notwithstanding a recent failed attempt to revive the PIR franchise [i] ). And I wonder whether young artists of Da Ali G/Brass Eye/Chaser generation have ever been so in Television’s thrall feather pillows as to find an interventionist action like Emile’s as affecting as I did then?
For my part, I was inspired enough to make a fan-girl pilgrimage to be part of the studio audience of The Price is Right. And, like tourists on a Hollywood Homes bus package, hoping they might see a pyjama clad celebrity collecting their mail, I’m sure I thought: maybe something exciting and art-worthy will happen to me too. Of course, nothing had just happened to Emile that was not by his careful design. We were stringently vetted by producers for ‘zaniness’ as we filed into the studio. Having neither Emile’s feather pillows physical presence, his performative ability nor his sense of scale, my attempts at attention-grabbing were thin and self-conscious. I was relegated feather pillows to general audience- un-annointed, with no chance of playing, winning, or reliving video art history. On set, we were trapped in a kind of time-warped televisual Elysium. Spurred on by the warm-up guy, and slightly faint from the hot studio lights, we clapped on queue, laughed when we were told and waited patiently for Larry to grace us with his presence. For 3 hours we sat through a weeks’ tapings, back to back. At some point, my companion turned to me and said I stopped enjoying this an hour ago, but I can’t stop smiling . We we were stuck til the end.
This one experience of being in a TV audience is my only context for the live elements of Tele Visions I’ve taken part in. But it serves an interesting backdrop to viewing the works created for the festival, mostly (due to access being so expensive and rare) by artists working in the medium for the first time.
What I’ve discovered is that a Tele Visions live broadcast, affording the audience greater agency and autonomy, and as far from the commercial fuckery of The Price is Right as you can imagine, still hews to some inalienable facts of the medium that even artists struggle to overcome. I was particularly aware of this during Lara Thom’s gorgeous, feather pillows tranqu’ed-out talk show, hosted by community TV legend Joy Hruby. While guests, crew and audience alike were masterfully coralled by Joy, who delicately skewered them from her cosy spot on the couch, I had as strong a sense of the imperative of enjoyment as I did during The Price is Right. Des


Nothing in Vuelle canvases, Verdolini (On Air TV): "It is not our fault", "pu24.it
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PESARO - "With reference to race Cimberio olifeja Varese-Victoria Libertas Pesaro the ON AIR TV, a company responsible for the production olifeja of channels TVRS, wishes to clarify that the technical problems that have prevented the vision of the aforementioned race live were completely independent of the willingness of the issuer that it has indeed done its utmost in every way by contacting the representatives of the League, the Host Society and Fastweb, which, as you know, takes care of the transmission of data. "
This press release signed by Andrea Verdolini, the Site Manager that specifies: "The technical responsibility is the exclusive prerogative of the host society, as regards the production and Fastweb for signal olifeja transfer. olifeja We can not apologize olifeja to the many viewers who follow our live coverage but also ask for their understanding on our part, it was done all that was within our reach. "
Julia Brava, brava the same: the singer Pesaro outside Sanremo last selection
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Thursday, December 12, 2013

School Salvator Rosa, adverse environmental conditions and chemical phenomena preceed that take pla

The diagnosis of art on canvas can count on a new technology consisting of a methodology that investigates the fibers on the back without damaging them, the aim is to assess the health, if the work is in a state sufficient to withstand stress maintenance or travel.
School Salvator Rosa, adverse environmental conditions and chemical phenomena preceed that take place more or less slowly over time, wear out and degrade the paintings making them fragile and prone to detachment of paints and pigments. Therefore, there are occasions (transport or storage) in which an intervention is necessary analysis and a possible preceed action for maintenance. The new technique does not cause any problem preceed to the work of art because it is done by shining light on the frequency of the infrared on the canvas through the use of optical fibers, evaluating the state of conservation of the painting from the reflection of light. The machinery consists of a transportable instrumentation and handy, preceed and make measurements in situ, without any need to move the work, which incorporates in a single chassis light source to receive the UV radiation and one spettroanalizzatore with two sensors that collects the light and sends it for analysis and sampling thus obtaining the spectrum. As an extra precaution is also used a mylar sheet provided with hole to eliminate any contact with the work of art. Until now, the technique was used only for the identification of the chemical composition of the pigments used in works of art, but it was realized preceed that the technique could be extended to the assessment of the state of the canvas, not a secondary element. preceed The canvas is support for the layers of paint and varnish; rupture and mechanical degradation preceed leads to the loss of the image if the canvas is too weak. In addition to the state of health, the analysis also fails to consider the modalities for implementation of the fibers of the canvas, which becomes essential when designing the intervention of conservation of the same.
The use of spettroanalizzatore for checking the status of the pigments, it was not even necessary because preceed it was simply a targeted visual inspection (with the naked eye - Magnifying Glass - binocular microscope) to assess the state of conservation of the direction of the work.
The technique was developed by a group that has seen the collaboration between researchers and curators of the Centre for Sustainable Heritage preceed at University College preceed London, Department of Conservation, University of Barcelona, the British Library in London, the ' University of Ljubljana, and the University of Birkbeck.
The research, published in the Royal Society of Chemistry journal Analytical Methods is part of the PhD thesis of Marta Oriola-University of Barcelona-for the assessment of the conservation preceed status of canvas paintings.
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Wednesday, December 11, 2013

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THE FABRIC OF THE SOULS | Unlike Intelligent
Yesterday running around for a moment on the page of a well-known social, I dwell on a state posted by my friend Laura. I read, I read, I read it again and I am looking mixlr for the name of the author of those words. I find, in fact I find it, and so I find myself trying and read the random thoughts of Susan Casciani.
I found that my words are not mine, but belong to me how my skin and part of me as the breath that sustains me to live. I find that a part of me lives in another face, another body, another name Susanna.
I read what he wrote, he writes, what he says of himself. I have security, I do not know when and how, but she entered the "inside". On the night he rummaged in my heart, open your mind and copied what I had hidden. Yes, I did a copy and paste of a part of my soul. I feel like naked, someone sees these parts of me, and he describes. mixlr The feeling is the same dream about naked in a crowd.
"We do not believe those who tell you that one day you wake up and forget about it. Not true, you are kidding, you're keeping hidden that is hard to get out and start to feel better. They're hiding it there is to lose all energy, to strive to do things that you hate, try to cry when he can not do it and try to stop crying when he can not do it. Need to gain weight and to lose weight and ruining a bit ', and to destroy and rebuild and you sweat, and you go to bed exhausted, and there is transformed and becomes cold and then you start to miss and then there chasing you and you start to do what you have always done so as not to lose at all, even if it continues to hurt. We do not believe those who tell you that it is an automatic thing, that goes without saying, that love is not so. No. It's you, you see? You have to give you to do, you have to commit, because being alone is not a no-brainer, is not one of those things that "go then". You have to kick your ass to let it get through. "
Laura and I are different, age, goals, intentions, of acquaintances. Every so often incocciamo other's lives, when that happens, we immediately understand. The soul speaks the same language for what she has posted what was written, for what I read, both for what we found in the soul of Susanna. mixlr
Posted in Sex and the lake | Marked by tags friendship, love, soul, blogs, connections, heart, weight loss, women, emotions, energy, fatigue, fat, life, world, words, skin, perceptions, dreams, mixlr Susanna Casciani, transformation , universe, vibration, life | 6 Comments 6 Responses
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But on the island of Principe, their children found that the protection of your so virgin, so uniqu

Tela Non >> Civil society denounces environmental crime in the south of São Tomé
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The green mantle that covered the entire south zone of São Tomé, bird sanctuary and endemic trees, is disappearing with the advance of the company caterpilares Agripalma in search of space to produce palm oil. The caterpilares are already entering the Obo National Park.
The state-tomene are granted the company Agripalma, 5000 acres of land, mostly on the island of São Tomé approximately 4000 acres and about 1,000 acres on the island of Principe, to develop the production and processing of palm oil. The agreement was signed in October of 2009 at the House of Culture in Sao Tome capital.
But on the island of Principe, their children found that the protection of your so virgin, so unique, natural heritage has more value to the sustainable development of the production of palm oil.
Prince as a whole, fought and prevented from entering the caterpilares for its virgin forest, to kill and endemic trees of medicinal value, which in turn sustain the various endemic bird species. Prince said no to the project that could decimate bedding experts its rich ecological heritage. Prince has not accepted, and because of that, today is World Heritage biosphere, having at its unspoiled environment, almost like the garden of Eden, your poster and future business their main, sustained source of revenue through eco-tourism.
Because of the refusal of the prince, to surrender more than 1000 hectares of their land, the previous government, began to look for more land on the island of São Tomé, in response to the agreement signed in 2009 between the state and Agripalma.
Caterpilares then began to move forward with greater determination on the green mantle that covered the southern part of the island of São Tomé endemic trees that give shelter and food to also natural birds began falling over the pace of the accelerator caterpilares. The green cloak who painted south of St. Thomas, is giving rise to extensive bedding experts areas with aspect airport endless.
Ibis, one of three species bedding experts of endangered birds in the country, had the forest of the southern part of the island of São Tomé and sanctuary for their survival. Advancing caterpilares is destroying their habitat and put an end to its existence in the fauna of São Tomé. "The government decided it would be more beneficial to the country, to exchange all their unique biodiversity in the world for a few tons of oil ...! , "Are the first protests of isolated voices began to echo that in the midst of the immense devastation.
The caterpilares of Agripalma forges ahead and their caterpillars, are already leaving marks on land never before touched by machines, the natural park of Sao Tome Pictures taken by satellite and the Tela Non had access (left), bedding experts demonstrate the extent of deforestation that threatens the natural park - OBO. In orange are the deforested areas. The black dots are GPS points of ongoing research on species of birds in the south. In pink are identified watersheds and the limits of the Natural Park - OBO.
The southern part of the island of São Tomé composes the district Caué. It is crossed by several rivers and streams. The virgin nature that has existed for many centuries, created the largest watershed in the country. The fast pace of felling, with caterpilares to take everything ahead, open glades paara the desert replace the green mantle, the very short space of time. "It is our country we are talking about. We can not remain impassive and serene to see our country being destroyed and nothing doing. "When we do not defend our rights we lose the dignity and the dignity not negotiate." 'Words of some citizens who are moving up to fight the environmental crime they consider to be in the south of São Tomé
Adelino Pereira, a lawyer by profession, is one of the voices for several months has risen against the attack bedding experts of the virgin forests of the south. "We intend to create a citizens' movement for the defense of our environment", said to Nón Téla.
Through bedding experts the Internet, other voices in the civic movement forge, cast words of public awareness, to fight what it takes trigger before it's too late. "This is an environmental crime that is being committed by state Santomean! '.
Images speak for themselves. The slaughter of the environment in the south of São Tomé also affects the belly of the inhabitants of the region. Poverty is pronounced in the south. Important part of the population lives along the coastline.
Coconut is from the most ancient times the main power base of the local population. In July of the year 2012 the Nón Téla passed by the Monte Mario area towards Port

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

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Tela Non Tests >> CIAT put imported by the firm Delfim Neves rice equivalent in quality to rotten
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About 900 tons of rice imported by the firm Neves DS Limited, Delfim Neves, is infested with fungi, remains of larvae and other insects. So says the Center for Agricultural and Technological Research of Sao Tome and Principe that analyzed the quality of imported rice.
The analyzes made by CIAT, on 6th June on samples of 900 tons of rice imported by the firm DS Neves property of the Secretary General of PCD, Delfim Neves, produced the following result: "Rhyzopus particular fungi, Aspergillus nigri were observed, Aspergillus sp. And Penicillium sp. Noteworthy that some of these are producers of mycotoxins, 'says the results of analyzes made by the competent institution, CIAT.
The reader can refer to a copy of the tests conducted by CIAT, to prove the alleged rotten quality, imported and being sold in the national market rice. Click - Laboratory Analysis
Abel Veiga Related linkomanija Articles: Cameroon linkomanija imported rice is good to eat and recommended International Laboratories have not seen larvae and other impurities that the analysis of the Scientific Director of CIAT found in rice was awaiting technical advice from the Ministry of Health to take final decision on the Rice Elísio Teixeira spokesman ADI in the complaint against the firm Delfim Neves will be criminally prosecuted CIAT, confirms that the butter imported by STP Trading, should not be consumed by the population and asks a few more days to remove linkomanija the chemical composition of the alleged imported milk
AH Ah ah right, Omali Tugu, Ngue Hedge Landa Landa ca. The sailors linkomanija began to jump ship leaving the captain alone. Ate Abel seems they jumped from the boat when he saw the rough seas and at last the captain has no qualms to steer the boat. Palms at Abel to defend truth and only truth afónico leaving many people like me who made you the finger. This slap hands without a lot of people with this publication, I am one of them. Congratulations. linkomanija Delfim Neves, did you get the drift alone in the boat and let in water on all sides, so bye bye. God is great.
Whoever intender the level of nastiness of certain politicians in our place just to fix this, plus one case. And also how the public ministry and the courts defenders linkomanija of the corrupt .... let's see who will outline the most this case. But I am sure, of Divine justice. Hein, a country that produces nothing and that is dependent on the kindness of partners that these same politicians spend time to pray to "help the country" ... where's Pinto da Costa in the inauguration speech talked about the Zero Tolerance to Corruption ? And where is Gabriel Costa (4 days in a row going on tvs story of his visit to Angola)? linkomanija where is this deputy MDFM / PL who spends time making them laugh in parliamentary deputies sections that said the rice is good quality? One day you will pay for the evil they have done to my country and my people.
The Dauphin is not guilty in the case. The culprit is who authorized the output of rice to the market and the people who gave testimony about the rice is good quality, I am speaking of Mr. Vabu. Does violating their health or something is not a crime my defenders of justice? linkomanija I do not understand anything, but import products with this quality frankly ...
It is important to recognize the man some luck and a right way to pq thing according to some comments above Politico was voted one of the most recent presidential elections, so if you followed advice to leave politics and dedicated to their companies as an entrepreneur may would have greater success and remember that as successful businessman can help your community to develop and perhaps his country's most discreet linkomanija and healthy way.
Whole situation is unfortunate surroundings without prescindentes what is seen in Santomean political society. Some say that the true evil is yet to come, but because we are concerned about the evil of the first generation and a half of STP, which have done much harm to the country's development setback that Serbian him "cradle", that this generation only has as starting point the independence of July 12, 1974, so my dear so just wait to see what will make the second and third generation, all corrupted by the greed of the fragile power, yes pq be minister at STP is like putting alcohol a surface (waiting, waiting), they all go and no one is. If we were to see the STP frames are all framed in the great majority in

Monday, December 9, 2013

It was the best conference, now we have a strong Jota, together with young people able to galvanize

Nón Téla >> JMLSTP elected Jerssy the Holy Spirit (errata - Costa) as President
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Gathered in Congress last week-end, 1,200 members of the Youth MLSTP, elected as President of Costa Jerssy youth wing of the party. The leader of JMLST advocates national unity of youth, and promises strong work in youth political organization to give victory to MLSTP in the 2014 elections.
Degree in mathematics, the young Jerssy the Holy Spirit, tiran says that assumes the leadership of the Youth MLSTP / PD to give breath and life to a structure MLSTP, who was dying. The JMLSTP been cleared for some time now started a process of organizing," he said.
An organization seeking to give expression to young people in Sao Tome society. tiran Both the party and those who do not militate in MLSTP. "What a good portion of youth to converge to the objectives that we essential tiran for youth to Sao Tome has expression in society. We know that youth face many difficulties and will be the advocate of youth both within the party and in society in general, "assured the new leader tiran of JMLSTP.
MLSTP ensure victory in the legislative elections of 2014, is another major objective of the new direction of JMLSTP. "As tiran a political organization tiran that we are, we have to assume this responsibility. We should ensure tiran that the next elections MLSTP the skirt winner, unequivocally. tiran And it'll work, "he concluded.
Abel Veiga Related Articles: Pinto da Costa already has official photograph as president MLSTP / PSD met in national council after the congress that elected new leadership Withdrawal Amaro Couto reinforces "favoritism" Aurelio Martins as the next Chairman of MLSTP / PSD President of MLSTP / PSD voted in the airport neighborhood There was no coup in parliament nor illegality in the appointment of Jaime Costa as a replacement of the President of the National Assembly
December tiran 2, 2013 at 10:33
JMLSTP-Youth Movement for Liberation of Sao Tome and Principe, delighted with the idea of replacing the JSD by JMLSTP now is to work forward and ensure success in the next election. For this party has to open up for youth tb ensure the ability to take the destiny of the country.
Very well! each party organizes its structures there. All normal. Now that the national dialogue on democracy, covenants, wanting to stick to the principle of contradiction is not political! The political debate is good for democracy! We want to know what each party has to offer for the upcoming elections: What projects! It together to speak with one voice is unique and characteristic of totalitarian regime: We are in a democracy!
It's very easy to vote, the names alone do not translate anything, it is worth that much going on this path. The Santomean youth is seriously tiran ill, is blind. This is the main cause for the increase tiran of poverty and corruption that has great reflexes in the development of the country. MAY GOD HAVE MERCY ON ALL YOUNG SAO TOME AND PRINCIPE. Rebel!
Herminia Santos says:
My brother hope you do not like the guy did the Central Bank pk guys think that this MLSTP Party is theirs now, but all this will end I wish you strength and success to be able to complete its mandate. Viva Viva Youth Under the STP lambuzadores.
Afonso Varela, was the henchman, the minister, the right arm first minister patrice thunder ... he did not leave a good reputation. Betrayed tiran the jota, the varela comrade. Not a saint, tiran the little Varela ...
It was the best conference, now we have a strong Jota, together with young people able to galvanize all the youth to fight together we take our powerful MLSTP, towards power. FORCE JMLSTP States and stronger venceremos.Força OMSTEP / MSD, the Force Veterans Force militants MLSTP / PSD
Vigil for Mandela at Independence Square 3-day mourning for Madiba Sao Tome state through the President expressed dismay at the death of the President Died Madiba Nelson Mandela and Humanist Kalu Mendes launches tonight Hitchhiking Would Sao Tome and Principe is also a "failed state"? tiran Obama believes the new ambassador to Sao Tome and Principe in the United States of America Sao Tome and Principe is the end of this year epicenter of art and culture in Africa opens BIS Forum for discussing Art, Citizenship, Territory, Identity State Reform and Development of the island Prince NO PLASTIC! National Dialogue moves forward with political parties and civil society ADI says no to national dialogue for the future of the country Litigation, Justice and Electoral Conflict in debat