Saturday, December 7, 2013

It is my understanding that the political parties as essential pillars of democracy, whose deepenin

Tela Non >> The fundamentals zebra print bedding of the proposal of the President for national dialogue
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The meeting with the parliamentary parties, the President presented the foundations of its initiative to promote zebra print bedding a broad national dialogue involving all political forces and civil society. The arguments of Pinto da Costa convinced the parties with parliamentary representation, despite some objection from ADI.
As briefly mentioned in the invitation I addressed to different partisan directions represented here this invitation stems from the existence of a "convergence of political, social and economic forces on the need to foster the necessary consensus to overcome the main constraints to the development of the country"
This finding led to my firm conviction that it is necessary to conduct an initiative that promotes, through dialogue, the necessary consensus that there will be structural reforms that the country needs to take a qualitative leap towards an accelerated development in support of improved living zebra print bedding conditions of all STP, especially the most disadvantaged and living the daily grind of poverty.
It is necessary to establish priorities and consensus so that each, in each sector, feel motivated zebra print bedding for this fight and this fight that everyone has to be aware, will be long and hard. "
That is why, under the magistracy of influence lies with the President of the Republic and develop in response to repeated appeals to the President of the Republic formulated along these little over two years in office, or by all political parties without zebra print bedding exception, whether in general called by representatives of civil society organizations, decided to propose and promote a "national dialogue on the future of the country" so that, through this, as I have stated repeatedly, is try to find consensual solutions with a horizon that goes beyond electoral cycles.
It is my belief that dialogue is a key to that under the democratic regime and the legitimate confrontation of ideas that characterizes it, it appears, once and for all, a fundamental core consensus enabling the country to implement structural reforms instrument indispensable for Sao Tome and Principe definitely zebra print bedding get in the way of progress, regardless of who exercises power on behalf of the sovereignty of the people whose will is will express the ballot in 2014.
It is my understanding that the political parties as essential pillars of democracy, whose deepening and improvement, should be in the name of higher national interest, a permanent and constant priority should play a central role in the organization and role model for achieving zebra print bedding This "national dialogue on the country's future," the assumption that dialogue and consensus building, democracy and whatever the circumstances, zebra print bedding is never a waste of time.
Rather, dialogue and expression in concrete, than call a greatest common denominator for progress, credibility will be important contributions to the political class, valuing the natural differences between each, promote discussion of ideas and mobilize citizens to elections approaching.
In this first meeting would like to hear from now, your position, suggestions and opinions on the possible modalities for the implementation of this initiative, especially for the formation of a committee in charge of the promotion and achievement. zebra print bedding " Related articles: National Dialogue moves forward with political parties and civil society ADI says no to national dialogue for the future of the country ADI recognizes that political edginess strange but the proposed national dialogue PR Presidential parties sit at the same table to discuss the future the country the President advocates cooperation zebra print bedding and dialogue to reform the judicial system
That's not what was said at the meeting. How do we create a master to end poverty with a government that was not legitimized by the people online. This government has no commitment to the people is why we are as we are. It is best to schedule the elections after the results of the elections and legitimate government have these meetings to better serve the country.
With much respect I have for Mr. President, I have to say that these initiatives do not produce any practical effect, and the accumulated experience should have known. zebra print bedding Are things to pass the time.
I could not see any valid reasons for national consensus, but saying that we are tired of them. I thought I would speak

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