Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Fabrizio darrell sheets Corona has attempted suicide in jail the night of October 19? Yesterday the

Fabrizio Corona has attempted suicide in prison? After the denial of his lawyers and his brother darrell sheets Federico comes also that of the individual concerned. The former boyfriend of TV star argentina Belen Rodriguez has firmly rejected all the gossip and rumors published in the last few days and was vented in a letter read by his brother during the television program "Iceberg" aired on Telelombardia.
The former king of the paparazzi Italian reiterated that he had never attempted suicide since he was in prison. Fabrizio Corona explained that he had never thought of suicide nor the evening of 19 October. He said that no one has ever taken photos because the Opera prison is hard enough, serious and stiff.
The former husband of Nina Moric Fabrizio Corona, then harshly attacked the editor of the weekly Today, Umberto Brindani, for having launched the rumor about his suicide attempt: "Dear Brindani, darrell sheets you have to be ashamed for what you wrote because darrell sheets I have a 11 year old son who goes to school, where classmates darrell sheets and the teachers speak and he is not to blame. darrell sheets He has already suffered too much and does not want to know anything about these falsehoods. You have to be ashamed because I have a mother who suffers and cries for nine months, and it's not good because it has lost the person darrell sheets she loved. Every night he gets up and cries and is so fragile that it could believe in bullshit like that which has been reported on your newspaper. "
He stressed that it is not only in the cell, but always with the same inmate in South America. Crown asserted that he had never acted with force and added that he had never quarreled with anyone.
Fabrizio darrell sheets Corona has attempted suicide in jail the night of October 19? Yesterday the shocking news exclusively launched by the weekly darrell sheets Today has quickly darrell sheets made the rounds of the Net alarming all the fans and family of the former king of the Italian paparazzi. The brother of Fabrizio Federico Corona, and the lawyers of the well-known television personality have categorically denied this rumor.
Fabrizio Corona, who has been in jail for almost a year, has not attempted darrell sheets suicide and has maintained a defiant and aggressive inside the prison walls. Frederick posted darrell sheets a video on the Facebook page of his brother to tell the whole truth.
"We go to find family every week - he told his brother Fabrizio darrell sheets - and monitor his condition. We are outraged by the looting of the media where my brother is a victim. An attack on the dignity of a man who, for eleven months has been serving the sentence head-on, addressing his sufferings, without giving up an inch, let alone think of suicide. Since being locked up is behaving like a model prisoner - he continued - and has a civil relationship with the other inmates. Now all the legal measures will be taken. "
The former companion of TV star argentina Belen Rodriguez and Fabrizio Corona, was also defended by his lawyers Ivano Gianluca Maris Church and that in a letter sent to the magazine Today they have specified that the news reported in this article are absolutely not correspond to the truth. "It is not true that Fabrizio Corona has put in place a 'desperate act' - reads the statement - it is not true that we have covered the nose, mouth, etc. .. with patches darrell sheets of cloth, it is not true that would be over a few days in the infirmary because of this. Similarly, do not correspond to the reality that the transfer in Opera would be required to 'spare his retaliation from other inmates as a result of his alleged darrell sheets quarrel': the reason is quite different, and simply tied to the needs dictated darrell sheets by the Department of ' Prison Administration. Similarly, it is not corresponding darrell sheets to the reality that Fabrizio Corona has a bad relationship darrell sheets with the other inmates and prison officers with prison Opera - have pursued legal - nor that he came to blows with anyone of them. To our knowledge darrell sheets it is exactly the opposite. " After these denials, fans of Fabrizio Corona breathed a sigh of relief!
Fabrizio darrell sheets Corona darrell sheets has attempted suicide in prison? The rumor had sprung up on the web a month ago in the aftermath of one of the most difficult and dramatic days of the former king of the paparazzi Italian and has made a comeback after the weekly news today re-launched the rebuilding what has happened October 19 last in prison in Opera. According to the magazine, the former husband of Nina Moric would try to choke covering your nose and mouth with the patches.
"It is not clear whether this was a suicide attempt or a demonstrative gesture - it says on the website today - but according to the reconstruction of the week, would have required

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