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Politics In Short news djòsòl In Short news djòsòlnès Disaster Divini our Language of Caribbean political life Caribbean Livre d'story Livres Madang frayik nanninannan O's guy fundamental Paladjolay Parètzòy Potjèlri heck Tengpenteng Carry stuck dekourel Sciences Humaines Tengendeng Tjak laliwonn Life politique caribéenne
Kannaval Paris
Fund-burning, Box-Pilot, Matnik: The day of January 12, 1934 discusses the sea turns sending body-André Aliker olifėja lonji-cold realities of sand deep-burning, ground-Pilot Box. Andrew Alikè was the communist Novelli Matnik study was reported in 11 Jwiye 1933, the newspaper Justice, olifėja newspapers G roupe communiste Jean Jaures, large kotjen realities of government tax discusses Eugène Aubéry, mètafè lysine Lareinty made. Tjwe betje makes it DOG tjwe Novelli Matnik communism, let Andrew Alikè vèvèle, day to day, throughout the Caribbean, even nèhè Olivone-earth Novelli fight for the Abeche djok and blood-chains run-lawonn.
Andrew was Alikè wouvè zie of 10 February 1894, ground-stone square Lamentin, the family-mayonmbo bitako. Avan'y came Novelli, A. Alikè fight went great semeda 1914-1918 and was the catch zie Boy Gas eti'y inhaled. Sapatonyè French could support the realities tjenbe-tjè eti'y upon them soon mapipi madang study semeda can chaye Toulon.
Turn Andre Alikè turned Matnik is pou'y was wouvè the kinès otila'y could sell goods to shops and merchants in the square shows Foyal. So sapatonyè Semeda 14-18 comes could beat and defend djoumbatè-kines, djoumbatè-makadè, some djoumbatè, coming to the akokitaj djoumbatè Geek-to-entry Adam akokitaj-communist political study they could weep Groupe Communiste Jean Jaures and they soon come mètafè journal Justice. Tankon Michel-moraine, Andrew has managed olifėja Alikè, sobreka krèy matjè, matjè, tawachè bedji matjè and was selling newspapers in the streets Foyal. In pipirit cartel Novelli ta'a, mètafè kines were able matje anni small and short Short news pektekolan eti'y could jigridi Zoupa godsend he Oeil of Moscow. So matjè small-Short news comes Novelli, could go ask-for-SAV, was walking in mud-cane fields, the cost can go without, could go to the makadè speaking, could ask the person and kawbe came mètafè market-fresh new look, the do-study makrèy olifėja to make SAV SAV godsend. In the bottom until, in the mid Matnik ta'a olifėja tankon day-today, is far below the country-without-government-national, djoumbat Novelli is not for anni-range propagation is Toulon Extortion and palantje the spirit countries (Public olifėja Opinion) and is for journal-matje is done in language-matje run-lawonn kòdjòm. Novelli communism, olifėja so konpayel olifėja political and defender djoumbatè, Zoupa came "dezodè" discusses mètafè is betje the Eugène Aubéry but kawyadolè French also could see and zie dog can manhe latje Kong and had seen that èche fredi'y net the day.
In time ta'a Matnik was neither anchay newspaper could stanmpe each simenn and even if there was either newspaper days-that-day, the system was neither tankon range-new study could tjenbe and was that to understand taxation system would ' was that can roll anni top Foyal, nèhè villages Lamentin also for SAV SAV we are not nor anchay people could read and understand French flouz, in ta'a. All-new range of system could give the French, tankon day-day otila Wanakera is anni-Caribbean study be carried-new matje language Matnik's. Anchay palantjè radio-land, Radio APAL, RFA, RLDM be carried-new language Matnik the godsend olifėja of the French Creole otila can be overcome language Matnik sometimes the conch-east (stronbus gigas), this case study discusses the dezanchouke news be carried in the tankon serpents that can bite but latje'y Man ja plodare language-speaking, even in the study of language medja bòdaj lang-pale/lang-matje, can delantiraye language, even within desitire'y Toulon Creole in the sleep-dewò study can itinerary plodari language Matnik the tankon the French language under, the French-language Olivone, discusses divini'y is turn-melting Adam French language, olifėja tikatikataw. Kreyolis Matnik can sell wèy mentally ta'a give people Matnik in anchay lonyen-matje discusses run-lawonn realities of Internet.
When system-range propagation can provide anni in French and who are neither anchay li'y is to understand Matnik Novelli was also t'ak-one and its journal, the anni pwenyen complete communism which he discusses the read Justice, eti'y people can fight them can not read French and who can eti'y point above study can read French flouz peace that goes there and it discusses the newspaper that
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