Galoўnaya Pra Aktyўnuyu Atsenku Knіgі Artykuly Spasylkі Nastaўnіkam Belaruskaya mova i Litaratura Bіyalogіya Vyhavaўchaya Pracuj Geagrafіya Gіstoryya Zamezhnyya Language Society Matematyka Pachatkovaya school Pratsoўnae navuchanne Fіzіka Fіzіchnae vyhavanne Hіmіya Roznae But father I Svece Spytay expert Contakts
Svyatlana Aksyuchyts right ўrok Volgі Pyachonavay: "Of course, you presented a lesson contains almost all the elements of AA. The purpose of the lesson in the language of the teacher and the students correctly fixed, concrete and diagnostic Stična. draps Lesson plan (NaShtoBuZ V) prescribed steps, from simple to more complex skills. Before you put the students a problem situation - a key question, which allows to enter the topic of the lesson. Immediately predict the result of the lesson in the form generated by the students during the lesson skills. draps In the process of learning activities, students jointly develop evaluation criteria, evaluate themselves and each other. Cleverly organized feedback allows you to determine the level of achievement by students of subject content. A small test allows fourth graders to determine their own success or problems differentially select homework. Reflective time lesson allows students to analyze the learning activities during the lesson and draw appropriate conclusions. "Planning kanspekt lesson draps on ruskay Move
Aposhnіya zapіsy Іryna Gus'kova "Pastanoўka metaў on vuchebnym zanyatku pa methadone Aktyўnay Atsenkі" Mіhas Kudzeyka: "The draps lesson pratsoўnaga navuchannya i vyyaўlenchaga Mastactva sіsteme bezadznakavaga navuchannya" Zavyarshyўsya competitive set of courses dystantsyynaga navuchannya pas TOPIC LINKS "Aktyўnaya draps atsenka" Tatstsyana Tsіmanoўskaya. Lesson on pryntsypah AA pas Belarusian Move 6 klase na TOPIC LINKS: "Zaymennіk. Zvarotny zaymennіk draps syabe "Іryna Nyadokuneva. Lesson on pryntsypah AA pas susvetnay gіstoryі 5 klase na TOPIC LINKS: "Vyalіkaya grechaskaya kalanіzatsyya"
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