Monday, October 20, 2014

Lithuanians gathered the best Colombian music video and enjoyed kumbijos rhythms

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During the summer lifestyle show "From ... to ..." Head Giedre bedspreads Talmantienė toured the world from America to Africa, bedspreads from Mexico to Latvia. Mission of Zambia to the non-governmental organization "Save bedspreads the Children", wild safaris in Kenya, lazy vacation in Mexico with his family, a journey through the United States from New York to San Francisco and Las Vegas concert in Riga, Druskininkai weekend with my mom ...
Throughout the season, bedspreads a busy schedule working reporter the family was promised a month and just leave it - no video cameras, other speakers, montages and business constantly ringing phone. It was a trip with my daughter and her husband after the United States and Mexico, New York, San Francisco, Mexico, and the next - travel by car through the national parks in the United States to Las Vegas.
"Are you kidding? - Giedre asked to Death Valley, the hotel receptionist. - Exit at six o'clock at the latest, if you do not burn running through the valley. You know that you can not connect the air conditioner? Because bedspreads if the car in this heat užkais, and no one will stop randomly not go through, they have put together. "
"I have to admit, I thought, oh, the Americans tend to dramatize everything. Imagine the heat ... But when you got up early in the morning, it was already 37 degrees. Opens windows of the car you drive, and the heat just sticks to the skin, in the literal sense of the word - room. One and a half hours scrolls spengiančioje silence; no car, no connection, just hot, hot, hot ... then I realized that the Administrator of the cowboy bedspreads town, earnestly warned us. Cross the valley of death, we met on the opposite side of traffi two guys. Cabriolet! There is courage - we thought. Warned them, and they say, "Never mind, we have caps on the sun!" Apparently, in fact, come in all kinds of tourists, due to local and real-time notification, - tells Giedre.
In Death Valley, Talmantienei impression on New York and one of the world's most beautiful road along the ocean: Seal beaches, vineyards and small towns. Adult Disneyland Las Vegas Talmantas family fortune did not try. "The men are standing for half an hour at the roulette and realized that we would have you lose a hundred dollars. Therefore, we decided to spend money on the restaurant - laughed Giedre Talmantienė, the new lifestyle show "From ... to ... the season is already inviting September 1.
Lithuanians gathered the best Colombian music video and enjoyed kumbijos rhythms
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