Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Last night, party, and now the memories are sitting? They hurt your head? From inside something sic

Last night, party, and now the memories are sitting? They hurt your head? From inside something sick and wants to pour out to make room for your soul to come back into the body. And yet you say, 'Do this!' You know the this state, it is called withdrawal or just a hangover. The reason keepsake quilting for this discomfort is that the concentration of alcohol in the blood drops sharply and decreased water-salt balance, hence a violation of functioning of the organism. keepsake quilting Let's not allow alcohol in the blood decreased. (Joke). Then read this collection of recipes for efficient sobering to experience "fun hangover" and supplement it below using the "Comments"! 1. Drink more! Wedge fire with fire! Forget all drugs - from alkazeltser to aspirin. keepsake quilting Just hit a big beer and fresh as their horny hamster. However, mindful that improper sober drunkenness leads to another. 2. Drink cabbage soup, yogurt, eat pickles, lemons, sorrel. You may not pass the head, but at least you will not puke so. Hot tripe soup is ambrosia for your intestines. keepsake quilting 3. Sleep! Never had to do anything meaningful. But life without probleme is not interesting. Two spaneta two sraneta and ready, unless you oversleep for work. 4. Find a job! Genet their problem is solved. When you shoot the head, the hangover will take your luggage and will voluntarily move out of your skull. 5. Never mix alcohol and "Drinking without drinking is Zenos of materiyal." Pius original drinks and always be careful not to fall into the incident the next. Man wakes up the morning after a heavy drunken night. Beside him in bed sleeping a woman. Severe man sighs and goes to the bathroom. He looks in the mirror and noticed that his mouth hanging thread ... "Lord, let it be tea bag", he thinks. 6. Do not overeat, but undergo before. As aninapivashto tool can izpolzvaolio or oil before using "water of life". Alternatively the active carbon keepsake quilting and is - 1 tablet per 10 kg. live weight :-). toast acts as a sponge for alcohol if you put over the glass of vodka for five minutes at a time one will experience at least 2 times more "delight keepsake quilting the palate and the soul." 7. For more severe cases are treatable as "Alkazaltser" "Antipuhmelin" "Kudzo" but a coffee with vitamins and "Esentsial forte 'works, keepsake quilting or Chinese tea iztrezvyavane (a combination of mint, thyme, St. John's wort). Can green tea with lemon or vitamin C with cold mineral water quaff straight they earn from the grave. 8. Maybe slightly'll happen if little honor classics such as Omar Khayyam - poet of wine and women (vishte keepsake quilting below two excerpts from his proizvodeniyata), for those who could not read a couple of sites for poetry http://golidumi . com / or just porovichkay in the net and remember Viliki most discoveries are made by drunken minds. "I'll be so drunk that my finger. Dahti wine will round if one believer will go see my belated revenge View and here you can find more recipes hangover
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