Thursday, October 31, 2013

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About Active Assessment linen Books Articles Links Teachers Belarusian language and literature linen Biology Educational work Foreign languages Geography linen History Mathematics Elementary School Labor Studies Physical Education Physics Chemistry different parents in the world Ask the expert Contacts
Elena Radevich of Irene Nyadokunevay lesson: "Elements of AA contribute to the fact that the lesson of becoming a modern, competency-oriented. The objectives of the language learner formulated precisely reflect the main activities of teachers and students. Nashtobuzu line with those of the lesson and sets the benchmark linen for the assessment procedure of mastering the knowledge and skills of students. It is important that the test content "Great Greek colonization" in accordance with paragraph NASHTOBUZU. Thus, the students begin to apply for a lesson NASHTOBUZU linen as a source of information for the development linen of the content of the lesson. I liked that at the end of the lesson had self-esteem. But the purpose of the teacher, in my opinion, is not quite formulated diagnostic ... "
Recent posts Irina Gus'kova: "Setting goals in the classroom by the method of active assessment" Michael Kudeyko: "The lesson of labor studies and the visual arts in the bezadnakavaga learning" completes the competitive set for distance learning courses on the topic "Active Measurement" Tatiana Tsimanovskaya. The lesson on the principles of AA on the Belarusian language in Grade 6 on "The pronoun. Reflexive pronoun himself "Irina Nyadokuneva. The lesson on the principles of AA on world history in the 5th grade on the topic: "The great Greek colonization"
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Wednesday, October 30, 2013

The principle of

About Active Assessment Books Articles Links Teachers Belarusian language and literature Biology Educational work Foreign languages Geography History Mathematics Elementary School pokeris Labor Studies pokeris Physical Education Physics Chemistry different parents in the world Ask the expert Contacts
Tatiana Tsimanovskaya lessons on the principles of AA: "An interesting and activity pokeris in the active pokeris evaluation for me was to determine the purpose of the language learner-specific and comprehensible. For me and pupils aim to provide guidance activities in the classroom (we know exactly what we want to come at the end of the lesson). If the goal is decomposed by the "shelves", it is easier perceived educational material as it specified. Very much, in my view, a good element of AA nashtobuzu. Nashtobuzu children perceive as a lesson plan, which we attended in the past, but, again, more clear and specific.
The principle of "nevzdymannya hand" stereotype erased cause those who raise their hands (saving time, rather get the right answer, etc.). Of course, I did not abandon completely the product of those who raise their hands, but the students know that can be caused by any of them, so you need to prepare a more responsible for the lesson. Thus, all placed in the same conditions.
In general, I want to point out that AA and I took my students positively. I see the lessons of great interest, responsibility for learning, students become more attentive listening to each other's responses to the comments do not help, and advice on how best you can say. "
Recent posts Irina Gus'kova: "Setting goals in the classroom pokeris by the method of active assessment" Michael Kudeyko: "The lesson of labor studies and the visual arts in the bezadnakavaga learning" completes the competitive set for distance learning courses on the topic "Active Measurement" Tatiana Tsimanovskaya. The lesson on the principles of AA on the Belarusian language in Grade 6 on "The pronoun. Reflexive pronoun himself pokeris "Irina Nyadokuneva. The lesson on the principles of AA on world history in the 5th grade on the topic: "The great Greek colonization"
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Tuesday, October 29, 2013

For Email Marketing you can trust Let me help you successfully attain your business goals!

Bosco Anthony takes on a SEO Super Panel Meetup Event | Bosco Anthony - Business Growth Strategist
If you have not heard I founded an online marketing think tank in 2012 where entrepreneurs can learn, network and take action. The meet up has rapidly been growing and we have had many successful events with a fresh take on content, resources and strategies. The next event is a super panel where we will be discussing all things SEO on July 24th 2013.
Search Engine Optimization is a trending antis topic and we have already receive over 100 RSVP’s. If you would like to join our awesome antis business tribe and community you are welcome to join our Internet Marketing Think tank meetup group.
For Email Marketing you can trust Let me help you successfully attain your business goals!  Click Here to Learn more about Bosco Anthony Do these challenges look familiar in your business today? You are in need of a business coach and need mentoring You are trying to create a traffic funnel of clients for your business both online and offline You are in need of a outside perspective and need your business strategies evaluated. You are unable to expand your business, your product line, lead generation, sales of your staff. You want to learn and implement the right marketing tips to get your business out there.  Time management prevents you from maintaining your daily operations.  Your business isn't growing as fast as you would like it to be.  Most business owners staff off with a vision, this vision then leads into the implementation of a business. Shortly after the business antis turns into a daily grind that either grows slowly or just doesn't seem to get anywhere antis at all... You are at crossroads and faced with two options OPTION 1: You can choose to let things continue antis as they are and hope things can get better on their own  OPTION 2: Take Action!  As a business owner You need business growth strategies to implement towards your business today! Contact us for free today and identify if we can assist you in accelerating your business.  Some people call what we do business coaching or mentoring, others think its more like a marketing consulting business. Our approach includes two descriptions antis that go beyond these terms. Business coaching tends to focus on emotions while consulting can be more theoretical than practical. We focus on growth and execution. We take the best of both worlds and combine it with a more specialized, systematic and structured approach that guarantee results. Through effective communications and updates you will easily see step by step, your business excel Browse By Category Select Category Advertising  (5) Affiliate Marketing  (2) Attraction Marketing  (3) Blogging  (20) Blogosphere  (5) Bosco Anthony Business Growth Blog  (369) Branding  (28) Business  (136) Business Development  (31) Business Growth  (102) business growth strategies  (84) Business Planning  (28) Consulting  (11) antis Content Curation  (22) Content Strategy  (26) Coupon Marketing  (2) Creativity  (2) Customer Service  (8) Email Marketing  (12) Event Marketing  (36) Event Planning  (12) antis Goal Setting  (14) Guest Blogging  (2) Home Page Featured  (1) Internet Marketing  (32) Joint Ventures  (1) keynote  (4) Keyword  (3) Leadership  (3) List generation  (14) Market Research  (8) Marketing  (67) Micro Blogging  (1) Mobility  (4) Networking  (17) Outsourcing  (5) Partnerships  (4) Podcasting  (4) PPC  (3) Productivity  (16) Products and Services  (6) Resources  (3) Sales  (50) Salescopy  (15) SEO  (11) Social marketing  (30) Social antis Media  (80) Startups  (23) Trends  (4) Video  (3) Video Marketing  (7) Website  (32)  (17) Recent Posts Google Hummingbird antis Update | Semantic Search Analyzed. Bosco Anthony takes on context marketing on the Maven Interviews. Networking Engagement Tips Balance in business, balance in life. Who knows you?

Do you ever wonder how some of the wildfires that cost a fortune to battle and often inflict large e

Do you ever wonder how some of the wildfires that cost a fortune to battle and often inflict large economic impact to homeowners and insurance companies evroshans have been started? Here’s evroshans a possible explanation:
Bear, Great video. I don’t know if Mr. Scott is correct that recent fires were started by terrorists but this just shows that we all need to be alert to suspicious activity. It doesn’t take biologic, or nuclear weapons to create disorder. Fire is one of the most deadly weapons that exist. I hope that homeland security is not sleeping on the job. It also points out that an extensive clean up of the national and state forests is overdue. Al La Grange, evroshans Rifles
The video was made in 2012 but might also apply this 2013 season. And you are absolutely correct the forest service needs to allow cleaning of the underbrush to make our forests less prone to massive wildfires. Our native Americans generations back used controlled burns to help clear such underbrush which also helped to control parasites that damage our forests.
Search Search for: Recent Posts CBS 60-Minutes Report on Benghazi Not Paying the Families of our Dead Heroes a National Disgrace! Vietnam POW 40th Reunion News Coverage 4 Money-Saving evroshans Tips for Veterans The Benghazi Nightmare Revealed The 6 Military Vehicles We Wish We Could Drive Countdown to Cripple Creek: Rev Up and Ride with the Vets Wildfires: Economic Warfare Super Panel – William Scott Served Our Country? Need a Car? Spitfire 944 Memorial Day: Path of the Warrior Video Military Vet Returning Home? Here’s Help With the Transition Video: Space Oddity PC Nonsense a Threat to Us All March 29, 1973: Last U.S. Combat Troops Depart Vietnam VFW Commander-in-Chief John Hamilton’s Complete Testimony Obamaville Song 2nd Amendment in Danger Supporting our “transformed” military Say, “Merry Christmas” Archives Select Month October 2013 September 2013 August 2013 July 2013 June 2013 May 2013 April 2013 March 2013 February 2013 January 2013 December 2012 November 2012 September 2012 August 2012 July 2012 June 2012 May 2012 March 2012 February 2012 December 2011 November 2011 September 2011 July 2011 June 2011 May 2011 April 2011 March 2011 February 2011 January 2011 July 2010 May 2010 March 2010 February evroshans 2010 January 2010 December 2009 November 2009 August 2009 July 2009 June 2009 May 2009 April 2009 March 2009 February 2009 Categories Select Category 3-17th Light Horse Cavalry Afghanistan ALERT! Benghazi Opinion Defense evroshans Budget Under Attack? Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell EDITORIAL: The jihad at home Feature Stories Guest Op-Eds Guns Laws Health News Healthcare “Reform”? Immigration Laws Letter from Col. Bud Day on Torture Libya Military Humor Newsletter Op-Ed Newsletter Op-Eds Obama Cares About Military Vets? Obama Sets End Date for Combat in Iraq Public Service Announcement Shootings At Ft. Hood Stop-Loss Pay TRICARE Uncategorized VA Videos We Want YOUR Feedback! Welcome! Wishful Thinking and Indecisive evroshans Wars by Ralph Peters Recent Comments evroshans Roger on Not Paying the Families of our Dead Heroes a National Disgrace! Roger on Not Paying the Families of our Dead Heroes a National Disgrace! Roger on Not Paying the Families of our Dead Heroes a National evroshans Disgrace! Allan La Grange evroshans on The Benghazi Nightmare Revealed Roger on The Benghazi Nightmare evroshans Revealed Chuck Lawrence on The Benghazi Nightmare Revealed Allan La Grange on The 6 Military Vehicles We Wish We Could Drive Roger on Wildfires: evroshans Economic Warfare Super Panel – William Scott Allan La Grange on Wildfires: Economic Warfare Super Panel – William Scott Allan La Grange on Spitfire 944 Roger Young on Memorial Day: Path of the Warrior Video Paul on PC Nonsense a Threat to Us All Roger Young on PC Nonsense a Threat evroshans to Us All Pam on PC Nonsense a Threat to Us All Chuck Lawrence evroshans on PC Nonsense a Threat to Us All Allan La Grange on PC Nonsense a Threat to Us All Allan La Grange on VFW Commander-in-Chief John Hamilton’s Complete Testimony Roger Young on Supporting our “transformed” military Roger Young on Supporting our “transformed” military Allan La Grange evroshans on Supporting our “transformed” military Roger Young on Supporting our “transformed” military Roger Young on 2nd Amendment in Danger Chuck Lawrence on 2nd Amendment in Danger Roger Young on 2nd Amendment in Danger Roger Young on 2nd Amendment in Danger Links A Troop, 3/17th Air Cav "Silver Spurs" Northwest Veterans Newsletter Web Page The Leadership Forum Veterans of Modern Warfare Other Features Log in Entries RSS Comments RSS options
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Sunday, October 27, 2013

HUD warns FHA-insured loans would cease in shutdown Is FHA able to endorse single-family loans if th

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Congress needs to take the politically risky but necessary quilt blogs move to reform the government-sponsored enterprises to reduce uncertainty in the housing market, quilt blogs according to a report from the Progressive Policy Institute that lays out a plan to reform housing. PPI lays out a menu of options that it says should be discussed, including calls for "HomeK" accounts to encourage saving for down payments and installment quilt blogs of a permanent homebuyer quilt blogs tax credit. PPI senior fellows Jason Gold and Anne Kim outline a five-part policy framework for getting the market moving again in a report released Friday, "All of the Above: What to Do About Housing Now." Even if solutions to reducing the Fannie quilt blogs Mae and Freddie Mac footprint on mortgage finance aren't readily apparent, Congress needs to at least agree to a process that will lead to near-term certainty, the authors said. They recommended a bipartisan GSE reform super committee, fashioned after a super panel that is looking at deficit reduction quilt blogs options, to get the ball rolling. The panel would be given a six-month timetable to draw up a proposal that would be subject to congressional approval. PPI's report said the nation needs a multifacited framework and offered a menu of options that the institute said were all worth discussion, some of which are already under consideration. "One solution cannot address all," the authors said. "A package of variously sized measures, both big and small, could in the aggregate be enough to provide the boost the market currently needs." But PPI warned that policymakers should be wary of proposals that threaten to dampen demand. Its five-part plan was split up as follows: 1. Do no harm: PPI warned against a qualified residential mortgage definition in Dodd-Frank that would mandate a 20% down payment. It recommended restoring the conforming quilt blogs loan limits that expired Oct. 1. 2. Throw a lifeline quilt blogs to underwater borrowers: The paper recommends encouraging lenders to write down loans in exchange for a share in future appreciation and a mass refinance of GSE portfolio loans to lower rates, a topic under consideration now by the Obama administration. 3. Soak up supply by sparking new demand: quilt blogs A $5,000 permanent homebuyer tax credit would help low- to moderate-income families. It would require a dollar-for-dollar match by the homebuyer. The "HomeK" account would allow employees to segregate up to 50% of their retirement account into a housing specific sub account. Funds could be withdrawn without penalty and applied quilt blogs toward a down payment. The authors also supports a bulk REO-to-rental program and "homeownership vouchers" that would be targeted toward lower-income, first-time buyers. The report cites American University Professor Robert Lerman who proposes converting the current low-income housing tax credit into 1 million homeownership vouchers to help reduce excess inventory and stabilize prices in hard-hit areas. 4. Fix Fannie and Freddie sooner rather than later: GSE reform is complicated, potentially expensive and divisive, but must be tackled, the report notes. Even if Congress quilt blogs doesn't see an immediate solution, it should get discussions moving. 5. Articulate a new national housing policy: For the last 30 years, housing policy has been driven primarily quilt blogs by the homeownership rate. That thinking needs to be broadened, according to the the PPI paper. The authors suggest appointing a housing policy commission to recommend a national housing policy. "Rethinking federal housing policy cannot be done solely within quilt blogs the confines of (the office of Housing and Urban Development)." The report also suggested quilt blogs creation of a "housing market health index." The new metrics quilt blogs would supplement the homeownership rate as a means of gauging success of federal policy and would includes things such as stability of the housing finance system and affordability of mortgages. Write to Kerry Curry . Follow her on Twitter @communicatorKLC .
Articles written quilt blogs by HousingWire Staff are non-bylined, and typically involve press release coverage and aggregation of coverage appearing elsewhere. So who put all these together? Our entire staff does! Recent quilt blogs Articles by HousingWire Staff
11/8/13 12:00AM 11/11/13 12:00AM NAR Annual Convention
Third-quarter multifamily originations drop 16% from 2Q JPMorgan to pay out $5.1B to GSEs, FHFA Mortgage fraud rises alongside the housing market Stewart Information quilt blogs Services earnings take a hit LRES searches for strategic quilt blogs acquisition quilt blogs targets
HUD warns FHA-insured loans would cease in shutdown Is FHA able to endorse single-family loans if the government shuts down? CFPB: Student loan debt hijacks the housing recovery Bidding wars for houses begin to fade Investors pull out of rental market
Gabe Medrano just started quilt blogs as the go-to guy for the correspondent lending division at NexBank, and already he is seeing something h

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Home About Us Facilities How the Elks Began Committees BBQ Wagon BBQ Teams Lodge Programs Americanis

Economic Warfare Super Panel – William Scott |
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Thursday, October 24, 2013

Headlines George Soros Offers Help to Super PAC for Hillary Clinton Pfizer Leads Jump in Pharmaceuti

Headlines George Soros Offers Help to Super PAC for Hillary Clinton Pfizer Leads Jump in Pharmaceutical Lobbying JPMorgan Chase Increased Lobbying Activity in Third Quarter Bloomberg's Super PAC Contracts for $558K in TV Ads John Boehner Gets Democratic Challenger GOP Roots for Failure Reid Says No Grand Bargain Gansler Says He Made Mistake Not Breaking Up Teen Party Obama Pushes for Immigration Reform Lhota Predicts Crime Wave if De Blasio kids company Wins Blogs At the Races Political MoneyLine Rothenblog Columns Rothenberg Shop Talk 2014 Elections Race Ratings Map & Charts Reference Casualty List Face Time Member Birthdays Fundraising kids company Charts: Senate | House Seniority Lists: Senate | House
Headlines Sebelius' Tenure as Obamacare Overseer Hangs With Vulnerable Democrats Encouraging Broadcasters to Sell Their Airwaves Wireless Competition Hangs Over Spectrum Auction Washington Lags Consumers in Embracing Digital Age | Commentary U.S. Benefits From Diversity in Missile Defense | Commentary Blogs Beltway Insiders Hawkings Here Wonk Wire Policy Areas Agriculture Banking Budget Defense & Foreign Policy Economy Education & Labor Energy & Climate   Executive Branch Health Care Immigration Legal Affairs Taxes & Trade Technology & Science Transportation
Headlines George Soros Offers Help to Super PAC for Hillary Clinton Pfizer Leads Jump in Pharmaceutical Lobbying JPMorgan Chase Increased Lobbying Activity in Third Quarter Bloomberg's Super PAC Contracts for $558K in TV Ads Congressional Money - It's All in the Family Columns Davidson K Street Files Rules of the Game Blog Political MoneyLine
Headlines Washington Lags Consumers in Embracing Digital Age | Commentary U.S. Benefits kids company From Diversity in Missile Defense | Commentary Democratic Donors Surge Amid GOP Slump Procedural Maneuvers Go Nowhere in Twin Crises | Procedural Politics 'The Political Middle Has Disappeared' Columnists Davidson Kondracke Rothenberg Wolfensberger Blogs Beltway Insiders Rothenblog Contributors Guest Observers Policy Briefings Immigration Defense kids company Sequester kids company Health Care More Policy Briefings
Headlines GPO Celebrates 150th Anniversary of Lincoln Visit The Fine Art of Political Eating Battle for Dome Restoration Dollars Remains Paul Ryan, Elizabeth Warren Find a New Way to Talk Back Rose's Luxury Gets High Marks Book Reviews Food and Drink Hill Climbers People on the Move Sports kids company Things to Do Congressional Baseball Game Blogs After Dark Heard on the Hill Hill Navigator
Related Content Pelosi Fills Out Super Committee Ranks Lobbyists Tout Becerra’s Appointment to Deficit Panel
Rep. Xavier Becerra had been a member of the Joint Committee on Deficit Reduction for a mere two hours before he was fighting off accusations of using his new role to raise money thanks to his K Street friends.
Lobbyists kids company hosting a fundraiser for the California kids company Democrat at the Investment Company Institute a trade group that has spent more than $2.4 million on lobbying this year, according to federal records were quick to use his new power to promote the event.
The invitation, emailed kids company Thursday just before 2 p.m., highlighted a simple reality: Although the committee was created as a way to set the task of deficit reduction apart from the day-to-day politics of Congress, the business of influence is ever-present where lawmakers are involved.
Lobbyists spent the past two weeks predicting possible committee rosters and gaming kids company out fantasy plays, industry insiders said in interviews. Now, with all 12 members in line, they have begun putting real plans into action.
The bipartisan, kids company bicameral group tasked with finding at least $1.2 trillion kids company in budget savings over the coming decade, enough to offset kids company the increased debt limit has great power to direct government taxing and spending for years to come. And the lobbyists who have access to this group have the potential for great influence, too.
Between the 12 lawmakers, there are more than 100 former aides who now lobby for various firms, companies or trade associations, according to data compiled kids company by the Center for Responsive Politics. kids company And many of them will tap into their old relationships to try defending kids company their clients from the spray of spending cuts that must be enacted. kids company
They include, but are not limited kids company to: Rick Desimone, the former chief of staff to Sen. Patty Murray (D-Wash.), a lobbyist at McBee Strategic Consulting who represents, among others, Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America, kids company the drug industry group expected to be very involved in the debt negotiations; Bob Schellhas, who served as the chief of staff for Sen. Rob Portman (R-Ohio) from 1999 to 2003 and recently left his lobbying position at CitiGroup to join the tax-focused Washington Council Ernst & Young; Nick Giordano, a former legislative director for Sen. Max Baucus (D-Mont.) who now works for Ernst & Young; and Steven Duffield, a GOP operative and the policy director for Crossroad

For example, requiring network operators to sell access to others at wholesale rates would reduce th

Fortune Senior Editor David Kirkpatrick led a power-packed session at Davos this afternoon called The Future of Mobile Technology . Panelists included Google CEO Eric Schmidt, FCC Chairman Kevin Martin, Sony CEO Sir Howard Stringer, NBC Universal CEO Jeff Zucker, dakimakura SK Telecom CEO Kim Shin-Bae and China Mobile CEO Wang Jianzhou.
Kirkpatrick attempted to steer the conversation towards asian growth in mobile (China Mobile dominates the Chinese market and is adding 6 million new mobile subscribers per month, SK Telecom dominates Korea with more than 50% market share) and the bleak prospects for mobile advertising revenue. He quoted Forrester as saying that the U.S. mobile advertising dakimakura market is projected to be under $1 billion even as far ahead as 2012. Today, he said, only 3% of Internet advertisers are putting display ads on mobile devices.
Schmidt played down the revenue estimate, saying the tipping point in mobile had not been reached. When it does in the next year or so, he said, those revenue projections will be very low. He said his goal with Google’s new Android platform is to help the market dakimakura reach that tipping dakimakura point, and make money from mobile advertising along the way.
Schmidt also argued that mobile devices are potentially more interesting than PCs, since they have or will have GPS and other features that will allow for new kinds of applications, as well as location-based advertising. The key, he said, is that new services will be on an open platform with open standards (Android, of course), and that the new 700MHz spectrum rules permit it ( they do, mostly ). That sets the stage, he said, for a “huge revolution” in mobile. Without it, we have closed network “islands.”
China Mobile CEO Wang Jianzhou noted that they have 317 million mobile customers in China today, and the total market is half a billion users. He said that people are using mobile devices as extensions of themselves to reach out to others via voice and SMS, and that if someone doesn’t have a mobile phone they will lack basic functions of what it is to be human.
His company is adding dakimakura 6 million new subscribers per month. When asked if he is considering expansion outside of China, he replied that they have so much growth potential dakimakura there that they are completely dakimakura focused on that market.
Zucker lamented the currently fragmented U.S. market, but seems optimistic that they’ll be able to move their merchandise dakimakura effectively in the future (particularly short form video). He also said revenue splits dakimakura need to change dramatically – today content creators are offered only 10% of revenue from sales, with the vast majority going to the carrier. Competition and openness will change this, he said.
Stringer was less optimistic, noting, for example, that Chinese customers don’t buy content, just blank CDs. “It won’t be easy to hang onto the price of content” he said, adding a quip: “When you defend the status quo when the quo has lost its status, you’re in trouble.” Stringer dakimakura is highly charismatic and entertaining, but his distress came through clearly. At one point when someone asked him when new Sony OLED screen technology would come to mobile devices at a reasonable price point, he noted the high cost of production and joked “making a profit on consumer electronic devices dakimakura is one of our goals.”
For example, requiring network operators to sell access to others at wholesale rates would reduce their incentive to “upkeep the pipes.” Investment in infrastructure is key, he said, and forcing open networks could hurt the industry.
I asked Martin whether Google’s open letter put pressure on him and his commissioners to open up the spectrum rules. He said it didn’t, citing far more private pressure to keep things static from the existing carriers. It did give him a tool to help convince his commissioners dakimakura to open up at least partially, he said.
Stipple Launches dakimakura Image Attribution Service Stipple Search, Plus A Mobile App
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Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Popular Posts LoopdeLoop Continues To Instigate Hallucinations posted on October 21, 2013 Deep Space

This past weekend, Flash animation gods joined forces to share their knowledge with a rapt audience in Maryland. Assembled for the MAGFest Flash Animation Super Panel were Arin Hanson ( Egoraptor ), Chris O’Neill (Oney), Zach Hadel (psychicpebbles), Will Stamper (Stamper) and Cory ( SpazkidIn3D ). One question that caught my attention was “At one point did animation start paying the bills?” Oney’s answer is right – “once you start getting millions of views.” Here’s the best video (taken by animator Sphoje) I could find from the 1 hour event, and you may want to crank up the volume to hear it all clearly. (and you might want to check out the Game Grumps panel too).
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Or, download Episode 22 , or any of our previous shows ! Show Links/Notes lenjerii de pat 1:05

The Ship Show | DevOpsDays lenjerii de pat Silicon Valley 2013 Super Panel
Episode 22 sports a special treat: in case you weren’t able to attend DevOpsDays Silicon Valley 2013 , we join forces with the Food Fight Show ( again !) and the DevOps Cafe for the first ever “Food Ship Cafe!” We convene a group of DevOps household names (including the “fairy godmother” of DevOps himself!) for the:
Or, download Episode 22 , or any of our previous shows ! Show Links/Notes lenjerii de pat 1:05 – Sascha gets some feedback on her Velocity Conf slides 2:02 – News & Views 2:06 – Oracle discontinues free timezone updates for customers without a support contract; later reverses the decision 2:20 – Also ( accidentally ) re-licenses the MySQL manual pages 5:43 – 15 milliseconds = $28 million ? 7:35 – Someone does a technical teardown of the original Prince of Persia source code for the Apple IIe 7:56 – The original 6502 assembly Prince of Persia source code available on github 9:17 – Don’t copy that floppy ! 12:29 – Main Segment : DevOpsDays Silicon Valley 2013 Super Panel! 12:50 – @mrhinkle and 13:08 – Is your Team Instrument Rated (or: Deploying lenjerii de pat 89.000 times a day) 21:41 – Leveling Up a New Engineer in a Devops Culture; Healthy Sustainability 24:08 – All the talks are now available ! 24:50 – DevOps and the CIA 25:39 – Beer Pinapples and Bottlenecks 43:53 – Tool Tip Tool Tip
This entry was posted on Wednesday, June 26th, 2013 at 5:30 am and is filed under Episodes , Panels , Tool Tips . You can follow any comments to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Both comments and pings are currently closed.
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Tuesday, October 22, 2013

1. How to make a timed text file for subtitling videos quilts etc 2. Stephen Coughlin - Sharia, defa

Links and news for June 18 2013 – 1 →
It is possible but how does the amount of fires square with what would normally be expected around this time of year and with these weather conditions? How does the loss of acreage to fire compare with average yearly losses? That might indicate weather there is a terrorist arson campagn or not.
A similar suggestion was made about recent fires in Spain but southern Europe always has a lot of fires and it occured during forrest fre season, during a hot arid summer after a comparitively dry winter. So just because it was devistating doesn’t mean it was arson. quilts etc
Cops will not call this a hate crime, of course, but this is the first time I’ve heard of police conjuring an alleged quilts etc ‘argument’ when the victim, as article puts it, doesn’t make that claim, nor does it stand to reason that a father with a 5 yr old and girlfriend would engage a gang of 20 ‘Asian youths’, ffs….
Remember Teddy Roosevelt’s word “Speak softly and carry a big stick” and round up all muslims whilst there is still time brothers. Islam has told us what its intent is, show it what our intent is and start the extermination. Once more unto the breach, Dear Friends!
Forewarned is forearmed however the administration quilts etc of our ‘Dear Leader’ is infested with political correctness (i.e. Marxism), and to this day has either failed or blatantly refused to name the enemy. Don’t hold your breath waiting for things to change soon.
KING HENRY V: Once more unto the breach, dear friends, once more; Or close the wall up with our English dead. In peace there’s nothing so becomes a man As modest stillness quilts etc and humility: But when the blast of war blows in our ears, Then imitate quilts etc the action of the tiger; Stiffen the sinews, summon up the blood, Disguise fair nature with hard-favour’d rage; Then lend the eye a terrible aspect; Let pry through the portage of the head Like the brass cannon; let the brow o’erwhelm it As fearfully as doth a galled rock O’erhang and jutty his confounded base, Swill’d with the wild and wasteful ocean. quilts etc Now set the teeth and stretch the nostril wide, Hold hard the breath and bend up every spirit To his full height. On, on, you noblest English. Whose blood is fet from fathers of war-proof! Fathers that, like so many Alexanders, Have in these parts from morn till even fought And sheathed their swords for lack of argument: Dishonour not your mothers; now attest quilts etc That those whom you call’d fathers quilts etc did beget you. Be copy now to men of grosser blood, And teach them how to war. And you, good yeoman, Whose limbs were made in England, show us here The mettle of your pasture; let us swear That you are worth your breeding; which I doubt not; For there is none of you so mean and base, That hath not noble lustre in your eyes. I see you stand like greyhounds in the slips, Straining upon the start. The game’s afoot: Follow your spirit, and upon this charge Cry ‘God for Harry, England, and Saint George!’
Truthiocity@8:55. Should we assume that woodland jihad fire is a new phenomenon? Or should one examine any coincidence between the number of woodland fires in Southern Europe with the influx of Muslim immigration over the decades? is the current rash of woodland fires in the US a response to the Inspire magazine quilts etc call to jihad? or is the Inspire magazine call to fire-jihad inspired by the success of undetected/unreported successful financial-jihad as a result of woodland-jihad in Southern Europe? Which came first, the chicken or the egg?
Absolutely. They definatly want us to know they are talking quilts etc about it. But at that stage of things it’s quilts etc psychological warfare – to make us think they are having successful operations when it’s quilts etc just nature doing it’s thing.
Daphne quilts etc Krueger says:
Townhall Magazine carried an article about how th EPA won’t allow forests to be thinned or groomed, as, when the forest quilts etc is too thick, there isn’t enough mointure to support them all and some trees require more sunlight, so they die and become fuel for fires. This restriction is to save the habitat of the Northern Spotted Owl. So, when a fire is started, there is so much fuel in the dead trees that it is difficult to contain it, so the owl is burn as well as other wild animals. On instance that is mentioned is, the firefighters wanted to use the water from a river but had to get permission. The weren’t given permission because of fish in the river. In the meantime, the winds shifted and four firefighters were burned to deatn.
1. How to make a timed text file for subtitling videos quilts etc 2. Stephen Coughlin - Sharia, defamation o islam, and world wide sharia 3. Gavin Boby speaks in Melbourne Australia fall 2012 4. Stephen Coughlin on root causes of Islamic terror quilts etc and media reportage 5. Apostate from Islam explains ho

Monday, October 21, 2013

Was klase it a callback to Harvey Kurtzman , that scene? I

Michel Fiffe » Panel Über Alles
You’ll klase recognize the trick, it’s simply one larger image broken down into pieces OR one larger image with characters moving within it . I wanted to take advantage of a double page spread to choreograph Emily Zegas’ body language through her several moods and locales. The tricky part was making sure the eye was led exactly where it should go. Turns out the heavy lifting is done by the words, the conversations, the thought balloons. The flow goes down the panel , then up the next, then back down, etc.
You can call these my “ Marcos Martin ” pages. I won’t deny it, he’s been an influence for a while and I’m sure sequences like this were around at the time I was originally cooking my pages up:
Marcos has made a career of leaving his peers in the dust. He doesn’t toy with a layout, he commands it, and no one in contemporary adventure comics comes close to achieving what he achieves on a regular basis. The scene up there is just one big room in one panel, also used in a double page spread. We follow Spider-Man, our eyes being led to the right then back to the left, punctuated by inset panels.
Another main influence on this approach is Chris Ware , another storytelling master who occasionally uses the panels to reflect different seasons, eras, or time signatures. This Big Tex page does it all.
Going over the overblown staging in these pages reminds me of the smaller examples, the panels that are broken into fragments in order to delay time, build tension, or reveal story details. In We3 , Frank Quitely took a Grant Morrison story and took it into visually innovative territory. This modest sequence, however, is nicely paced.
Was klase it a callback to Harvey Kurtzman , that scene? I’d like to think so. Kurtzman was a true virtuoso of all of these narrative tics and bumps, his war comics being prime vehicles for strong and smart material. These three panels are works of beauty, captions be damned.
This batch, courtesy of Jim Steranko , works well enough but isn’t quite necessary. The image’s story does progress, and the gutter breaks do make the eye start and stop. Steranko was more than capable of managing subtlety, and this scene certainly tries to build up a sense of weight, but it still feels like a faint attempt.
Same here (Steranko again). As if mid-air speech wasn’t hard enough to swallow, the gutter klase breaks seem to be used as mere window dressing. Maybe it was to show that more… panels had been drawn? Steranko, after all, was once nearly denied payment for writing a silent page. Either way, the balance of dialogue and movement can make or break a moment; this one’s a dud.
Just one more dud. Actually, the panel break would’ve been useful if the image actually revealed something, maybe the very thing that’s being explained. I gotta admit, this is a pretty funny out of context scene, but that may have something to do with those tears. Deluxe Format tears.
… and here’s another one that justifies the breakdown treatment in a different klase way. The gutters stagger the eyes one panel at a time while the monologue unravels at its own pace. It’s klase confident klase work, and in Miller’s pre- Sin City comics, this type of rhythm is dominant.
Back to the page as a setting, Gianni De Luca did some incredible, jaw dropping sequences in his time. As far as I can tell, his work was serialized in Il Giornalino. This il Commissario SPADA page is from 1979… klase
… but his most revered work continues to be his adaptation of Hamlet. Here’s a two page spread from Amleto , from 1976 (the entire story is made up of double page spreads, with a usual change in location per page turn). Click on it and bask in its glory.
So there you go, a few drops of inspiration on how to stretch and maximize klase the real estate within an image, a panel, or a page or two. I’m not sure whether the reader should be made aware of such mechanisms, but some of these pages are too bombastic to ignore or be taken passively.
I don’t recall Jaime using this method very often but when he does, it is spot on (from Love & Rockets #29 , “ Flies on the Ceiling “, 1989). Calling him a master storyteller isn’t enough, so let’s just agree that the guy’s a genius. Thanks for the reminder, Marc!
Good stuff, Michel. Marshall Rogers was also a master of the super panel. Have you ever seen Demon with a Glass Hand? Or Detectives Inc.? And of course Xaime has used it from time to time. Remember that scene where Izzy confronts the devil at the dance in Flies on the Ceiling? I’m sure there are tons of others examples out there.
As for Rogers, his Detective klase Inc. stuff is great, but it’s his run on Detective Comics that really does it for me. His work in general deserves more study. Never se

I tried to keep it as simple and customizable as possible. Each of the close, minimize and maximize

SuperPanel Component
I tried to keep it as simple and customizable as possible. Each of the close, minimize and maximize buttons can be completely cushion covers and independently skinned. All other styling for the Panel component can be applied. Even move and resize effects can be applied without messing up the state (minimize/maximize) transitions.
This entry was written by Brandon , posted on February 3, 2009 at 1:12 pm , filed under Components and tagged Flex ActionScript Component . Bookmark the permalink . Follow any comments here with the RSS feed for this post . Post a comment or leave a trackback: Trackback URL .
Quite nice. One suggestion, though. If you minimize it and then maximize cushion covers it, there is no longer a gui-wise cushion covers way to put it back to some custom size. Perhaps there should be an option to leave the resize graphic visible and active when the panel is maximized. Another way might be to have the panel size back to some default size when the maximize (restore in this case) button is clicked again and the previous size was minimized. Just some thoughts. cushion covers
Posted August 18, 2010 at 3:30 am | Permalink

Sunday, October 20, 2013

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NC Renegade encourages everyone to become self sufficient and continue cotton patch education in all forms of safety and preparedness. The best overall site for this topic is Survival Blog by James Wesley Rawles. We strongly encourage you to visit this site and take advantage of its broad knowledge base. Another excellent resource is Prep Tips . Click the map to view topos North Carolina Patriot Sites
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[This event is postponed until further notice] AKILA WORKSONGS, Inc. with the Kumble lilly pulitzer

[POSTPONED] Elevating: The Arts and Activism Super Panel | Brooklyn
[This event is postponed until further notice] AKILA WORKSONGS, Inc. with the Kumble lilly pulitzer bedding Theater for the Performing Arts present Elevating: The Arts and Activism Super Panel [This event is postponed until further notice] 7:00pm 10:00pm FREE ADMISSION Kumble Theater Long Island University's lilly pulitzer bedding Brooklyn Campus One University Plaza | Brooklyn, NY 11201 In celebration of AKILA WORKSONGS s 20th anniversary, the communications agency will present a high-powered community lilly pulitzer bedding conversation about arts and activism. The super panel will feature lilly pulitzer bedding some of AKILA s clients whose life/work epitomize artistic excellence and social justice activism. Come out to hear and engage with some of today s most respected lilly pulitzer bedding independent, progressive, people of color writers, actors, filmmakers, and game changers. April R. Silver will moderate the program. Confirmed Speakers * actor ADESOLA OSAKALUMI ( FELA! ) literary arts advocate DR. BRENDA GREENE (Center for Black Literature) lilly pulitzer bedding filmmaker BYRON HURT (Hip-Hop Beyond Beats and Rhymes lilly pulitzer bedding + Soul Food Junkies) attorney ESMERALDA lilly pulitzer bedding SIMMONS (Center for Law and Social Justice) visual artist JENNIFER CRUTÉ (Jennifer s Journal: The Life of a SubUrban lilly pulitzer bedding Girl) cultural arts producer and activist DJ LUMUMBA aka REVOLUTION social entrepreneurs Lasana Hotep, Alonzo Jones, James Lewis of MYCLICKURBAN Haitian-American advocate MARIE EUSEBE (Community2Community) artist and educator MO BEASLEY (LoveStorm Entertainment Group) filmmaker STACEY MUHAMMAD For Colored Boys, REDEMPTION) Moderator: April R. Silver (Founder and President, AKILA WORKSONGS) For more information, call 718.756.8501 or 718.488.1624. Get directions: Please RSVP at LEARN MORE Event link: Short Link: Follow us on Twitter: @akilaworksongs lilly pulitzer bedding | @kumbletheater | #artsandactivism | #AKILAat20 :::::::::::::::::::::: ABOUT ELEVATING :::::::::::::::::::::::::: "Elevating" is the thematic lilly pulitzer bedding concept that best pinpoints the motion of AKILA WORKSONGS, a communications agency that is celebrating its 20th anniversary in 2013. "Elevating" is also a trilogy of events that bring to life what AKILA WORKSONGS is all about. The first event was a live performance at Baruch Performing Arts Center (NYC) featuring agency performance artist clients and friends; the second event featured award-winning journalist Curtis Stephen interviewing AKILA WORKSONGS founder April R. Silver at the historic Schomburg Center (Harlem); and the final event in the trilogy is the "Arts and Activism Super Panel" at the Kumble Theater for the Performing Arts (Brooklyn). It features just a few of the people and organizations that AKILA WORKSONGS is proud to represent. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: * Program subject to change. All speakers are active AKILA WORKSONGS clients! [This event is postponed lilly pulitzer bedding until further notice]
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Saturday, October 19, 2013

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Dave Ramsey Destroys Obamacare - Eagle Rising Dave Ramsey shared his wisdom with people on how the Obamacare legislation would affect every American, no matter their political beliefs. 2 days ago ALERT! Justice Paul Martin paradies Newby will co-present a FREE evening program, “A Hist...
ALERT! Justice Paul Martin Newby will co-present a FREE evening paradies program, A Historical Primer on the North Carolina Constitution, for the general public from 6-7 pm on October 21, 2013, in the N.C. Department of Cultural Resources Building, 109 East Jones Street, paradies Raleigh. To RSVP, go here: . LIKE and SHARE this news! Newby Lecture Cultural Resources serves more than 19 million paradies people annually through three major areas: The Arts, The State Library of North Carolina and Archives and History. 3 days ago
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Thursday, October 17, 2013

What we found on Sunday night, and what we want to employ Saturday night, is the idea of consistenc

Liveblog: Acquisition Superpanel & World Screen Award | TECH IN AMERICA
Latest From  EXECUTIVE
This exclusive acquisition threw superpanel was a useful survey of evolving acquisition trends in 2013. This was followed by the presentation of the World Screen Content Trendsetter Award, a special recognition of key buyers.
The panel consisted of Starz Media managing director Carmi Zlotnik; threw Foxtel Management director-programming Ross Crowley, Danish Broadcasting Corporation s DR Fiction head of drama Piv Bernth, and TV Azteca s head of acquisitions Pedro Lascurain. Group editorial threw director Anna Carugati of World Screen moderated.
We target groups and interests that are not the 25-54 (age slot) that the networks are looking for . We also target genres otherwise relegated to late-night, such as sci-fi fantasy, which Crowley called an easy win .
A lot of great (sci-fi) content was produced internationally but aired at 11 at night, said Crawley. Fans started seeing themselves as 11 o clock people They re 8h30 (primetime) people, they re just different.
DR s Bernth encapsulates her content philosophy thus: Local stories often become great stories . She recounted the trajectory of local hit show The Killing : We were so fed up with the way old (crime) stories were told one episode, one murder case. Nobody thought threw it was a good idea to wait 20 episodes for a murder , she said, but they rolled the dice with The Killing.
It worked, and now it s a new way of telling stories. It s a signal to be courageous a message she says she passed to the team s young writers: Try to smash everything threw about the killing Be innovative .
Meanwhilst, Lascurain of TV Azteca prefers a more conservative approach. We always try to wait and see how it s working in the first market often the United States and once it s proven there, we consider acquiring.
For him, key to acquisition is philosophical alignment and compatibility: that we re all trying to make the same show, he said. Once that happens, it becomes important to position the content in the best possible way.
What we found on Sunday night, and what we want to employ Saturday night, is the idea of consistency and regularity that creates expectation, said Zlotnik. There s a cacophony of people calling for the audience s time so to make their lives easy, it s best to produce simple organising principles in scheduling.
He also feels it s pointless to buy original threw material, or partner with content creators, if the content is squashed, because it s placed in a slot that competes with a popular competitive show. If X Factor is going up against a cooking show, we step back , he said, saying there s nonetheless a lot of autonomy to propose a grid as long as the content is placed in a position to shine.
Apple Hires Burberry Chief to End Search for Retail Head
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MIT News – Topic – Nanoscience and nanotechnology Finding blood clots before they wreak havoc Wednesday, October 16, 2013 Nanoparticle vaccine offers better protection Wednesday, September 25, 2013 Nanosensors could aid drug manufacturing Friday, threw August 16, 2013 Research update: New microchip sorts white blood cells from whole blood Tuesday, August 6, 2013 In it for the long run Wednesday, July 31, 2013 Nanoparticles, made to order inside and out Tuesday, July 2, 2013
Carnegie Mellon University threw | CMU | Web Stories Remaking Cities Revisited threw Thursday, threw October 17, 2013 Room To Explore Wednesday, October 16, 2013 Financial Win Tuesday, October 15, 2013 Awarding Excellence Monday, October 14, 2013 Studio is a Hit Friday, October 11, 2013 Winning Research Thursday, October 10, 2013
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Tuesday, October 15, 2013

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2013ǯ10 2013ǯ09 2013ǯ08 2013ǯ07 2013ǯ06 2013ǯ05 2013ǯ04 2013ǯ03 2013ǯ02 2013ǯ01 2012ǯ12 2012ǯ11 2012ǯ10 2012ǯ09 2012ǯ08 2012ǯ07 2012ǯ06 2012ǯ05 2012ǯ04 2012ǯ03 2012ǯ02 2012ǯ01 2011ǯ12 cynthia rowley bedding 2011ǯ11 2011ǯ10 2011ǯ09 2011ǯ08 2011ǯ07 2011ǯ06 2011ǯ05 2011ǯ04 2011ǯ03 2011ǯ02 2011ǯ01 cynthia rowley bedding 2010ǯ12 2010ǯ11 2010ǯ10 2010ǯ09 2010ǯ08 2010ǯ07 2010ǯ06 2010ǯ05 2010ǯ04 2010ǯ03 2010ǯ02 2010ǯ01 2009ǯ12 2009ǯ11 2009ǯ10 2009ǯ09 2009ǯ08 2009ǯ07 2009ǯ06 2009ǯ05 2009ǯ04 2009ǯ03 2009ǯ02 2009ǯ01 2008ǯ12 2008ǯ11 2008ǯ10 2008ǯ09 2008ǯ08 2008ǯ07 2008ǯ06 2008ǯ05 2008ǯ04 2008ǯ03 2008ǯ02 2008ǯ01 2007ǯ12 2007ǯ11 2007ǯ10 2007ǯ09 2007ǯ08 2007ǯ07 2007ǯ06 2007ǯ05

Monday, October 14, 2013

2013ǯ10 2013ǯ09 2013ǯ08 2013ǯ07 2013ǯ06 2013ǯ05 2013ǯ04 2013ǯ03 2013ǯ02 logan and mason 201

ꥹ Υ ˤ طʤ ˬ ι ꥹ ɽ ȯ ϡ ɥ 40ʬ ΤȤ ? 볹 High Wycombe ˤ ޤ 륿 ҥ ȸƤФ 16 17 ȶ ˤʤ ںब ˤ ä Ȥ 顢 Ϥ ػҡ ȶ 濴 ϤȤʤ ΤǤ ä ꥹ ϻ ȳ 塢 佻 ޤ ʪ Ѥ äƤ ν Ǥ äƤ ȶ ɬ פȤ ޤ ᡢ ɥ ǻ ˤ High Wycombe Ȥ ơ Ŭ ʾ Ȥʤä ΤǤ 1877ǯ ޤ High Wycombe Queen Victoria ˬ 줿 ݤˤϡ ػҤ 礭 ʥ ꤽ ˬ ޤ ޤ Ϥˤϡ 200 ι 줬 ꡢ ι ػҺ ޤ ˤ äƤϡ ꡢ ڤ Ȳ ꡢ Τޤޥƥ Ȥ 褷 ʤ ػҺ Ԥ Ǥ Ϥ 줬2002ǯ ޤǤ ޤ ߤϡ 3-5 Ҿ ʹ 줬 ĤäƤ Ū ˤ ӥ ơ ǿ Ρ G-Plan ι ˤ ä ΤǤ ߤ θ Ӥ ϰ Ȥ Ω 줿 Τ ڰػҤ ʪ Chair Musum Ǥϡ 16 ΰػҺ ˡ ƻ ͼ 鸽 ޤǤ ή 줬 ѥ Ÿ ʪ Ǥ狼 䤹 Ƥ ޤ ˡ ˤ ʿ 뤳 Ȥ Ǥ ʤ ʰػҤ ݴɸˤ ΤǤ ϡ μ Ĺ ι դǸ Ƥ Ȥ Ǥ ޤ Υ 쥯 Τ 褿 Ū Σ ġ ƻ ϣ 飲 Υ Ρ ɤΤ褦 ˤ ƥ Ǥ Τ ޤ ƻ ϤɤΤ褦 ʥ Τ Ѥ Ƥ Τ 뤳 Ȥ Ǥ ޤ ػҤΥ 쥯 Ĥ ޤ 㤨 С Ͼ岼 ɤ 餫 Ȥ ػҡ Ҥä ȥ Ȥι Ѥ ػҡ γʤ 礦 褦 줿 Τ ǯ ϡ ѹ ʼ ΤΤ Υ ʼ Τ Ȥ 失 Ƥ Τ ˤ ݤ 뤳 Ȥ Ǥ 褦 ɪ פΥ ǯ ʤɤʤɡ ο Ͱ ع ͻҡ ơ ʤ 뤳 Ȥ Ǥ ʰػҤΥ 쥯 ݴɸˤ ˤϰ Ť Τǣ ǯ 줿 Τ 濴 ˡ ǯ- ǯ ޤǤ ưػҤ 궹 Ǥ ޤ ػҤ Ǥʤ ơ 䥭 ӥ åȤʤɿ ǤϤ 뤬 ʹ Ǻ 줿 Τ Ĥ 뤳 Ȥ Ǥ ޤ ˬ 䤵 Ƥ Ĺ տ ػҤ ǧ Ƥ ޤ Ӥ ʤ ä إ λ ͳݤ ե Υ 쥯 Σ ĤȤ Ǥ ޤ ǯ ͼ 뤳 Ȥ Ǥ ޤ Ϥ ȯ ϤǤ 뤫 餳 Ρ ߥ塼 Ǥ Ȥ ǡ ʤ High Wylcome 줿 إ Windsor Chair) ȸƤФ 褦 ˤʤä Τ Ͻ ΤǤ Ū ˤϡ High Wylcome 줿 դǰ 礭 ʳ إ Ȥ 줿 ȡ ޤ äƥ ɥ ΰػҤ Ф Ƥ ȡ ʤɤ 顢 Ǥ褯 Ȥ Ƥ Ȥ ơ ɥ Ρإ Ȥʤä Ƥ 褦 Ǥ << ĤŤ 18 19 Υ ˤ 뿦
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ƥꥢ ˤĤ ץ ƥ κǿ ꥢ ꥹ ȥ ѹ ǥ ɥ Design Wee 롡 ҤΥ ǥ in London Υ ? ο ɳݤ եå ȥϥ Ȥ ơ ǥ Ū ˤ ... ե å ɻ ǥ ȡ 10 12 ( ) ΤĤ 䤭 إ åȡ form 륺( ѹ ˡ ץ饹 ... ڥС ץ Υ ᥤ Υ ? Υե ȥ
ꥢ ꥹ ȥ 10 12 ( ) ΤĤ 䤭 CAMOME-JAPAN Ũ ʲȶ 10 10 ( ) ΤĤ 䤭 ߥ Ÿ 10 8 ( ) ΤĤ 䤭 10 7 ( ) ΤĤ 䤭 ƥ ȶ 10 30 11 4 TOKYO ǥ 10 1 ( ) ΤĤ 䤭 ѹ ǥ 9 26 ( ) ΤĤ 䤭 ɥ Design Wee 롡 ҤΥ 9 25 ( ) ΤĤ 䤭
륪 ե HP Ť ȶ פΥ ե 륵 ȤϤ 롦 ѥ ERCOL-JAPAN ѹ ȶ ܥ ե 륵 ȶ ν ϡ ȶ TV Ǥ ʤ ߤβȶ 硡 ȶ Shop Ϥ 谷 ʤϤ dz ǧ Ǥ ޤ ǽ goo
Narm/ 5 17 ( ) ΤĤ 䤭 daniel-kagu/ logan and mason ޤꤿ ơ 롡 إȥ졼 ơ miiko/ ޤꤿ ơ 롡 إȥ졼 ơ Design Team Liviu λ / ͻ δ Υ ꥹ ޥ 饤 ꥹ daniel-kagu/ ػ ĥ ؤ ڲȶ ۿ ͼ
2013ǯ10 2013ǯ09 2013ǯ08 2013ǯ07 2013ǯ06 2013ǯ05 2013ǯ04 2013ǯ03 2013ǯ02 logan and mason 2013ǯ01 2012ǯ12 2012ǯ11 2012ǯ10 2012ǯ09 2012ǯ08 2012ǯ07 2012ǯ06 2012ǯ05 2012ǯ04 2012ǯ03 2012ǯ02 2012ǯ01 2011ǯ12 2011ǯ11 2011ǯ10 logan and mason 2011ǯ09 2011ǯ08 2011ǯ07 2011ǯ06

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Unknown (ݤ) 2013-10-07 6:37:49 p.m. ? ޤ ν 翧 Τ 줤 Å ܤ Ȥ ޤ

Unknown (ݤ) 2013-10-07 6:37:49 p.m. ? ޤ ν 翧 Τ 줤 Å ܤ Ȥ ޤ
Unknown (?) 2013-10-07 7:10:24 p.m. ߤ ʤ Ф 砖 褤 贰 Ǥ ɤҤʤ?勞 勞 ɤɤ 㤦 ʤ ȯ ʬ ϡ Τ 餤 ˤ ʤΤ ʡǤ Τ å 䤫 ʤŪ ˤ ʤäƤ ޤ ԥ Ǥ 椬 Ȥ ˤ Ǥ Υ Ϥ 褯 ޤ ʤΤǤ 矿祳 졼 Ȥ Ǥ
ä ޤ ʾ С (ߤ) 2013-10-08 4:45:40 Ϥ 褦ޤ դ Ƥ 뤽 ǡ ͽ Ǥ ϡ 뤫糖 ӤΤ 褦 Ǥ Ǥ ρ ߤ äƤ ޤ ŤīǤ ɤä Ȥ ɤäǤ ϡ ҡǤ 轵 Ǥ ץ 뤬 Ϥ ڤ ߤ Ǥ ȱ ϣ dzƣ ס ף ʤΤǤ Ȥ Ȥ Ǥ newΤ H ˤ ʤΤǤ 矿new ޤ פ ˤ ʤΤʡ ڤ ߤ Ǥ ʴ ŨǤ Хʥ äƽƸ ޤ Ǥ ϡ ޤ 衣 Ȥ ƤǤ ij Ȳ μ ήФǤ ä Ȥ ꤹ 뤰餤 Ũdz 줿 餤 Ǥ? 祳 졼 Ȥ ϻ Ǥ Ȥ Ǥ Ȥ Τʡ ɤʤǤɤ ǰǤ ʪ 㤦 ʤΤʡ Ƥ ѡƸ ޤ 衣ɤʤв Ҥ Ʋä ޤ áǤ ʾ С ˤ Ƥnew 說說 ɥɥ Ǥ ϡ ޤ ڤ ߤ ˤ Ƥ ޤ
Unknown danielius (ݤ) 2013-10-08 10:43:11? ޤ ߤ ޤ Ȥ ʤΤư 鲻 H ޤ ϥ ߡ 1920
ݤ (ߤ) 2013-10-08 danielius 11:05:16 ᡢ ޤ嵐 ɤҤʤ
Ф ϡ (å) 2013-10-08 8:45:34 p.m. Ф ϡ 砖Υ إ OKФ 줿 ΤǤ ! (^ ^)! 轵 ˤ ϥ ץ 뤬 Ϥ ͽ dz ڤ ߤ Ǥ ȱ 說 說? Ƥ 줿 ƤΤ Ȥ Ƥ Ƥ ޤ ѤäƤ ޤ ˤ ʤä Ԥ äƤ 矿Ȥ Τ ƥǤ ݤ 5 ص ƤƲİ Τ ϼ Ǥ
: (?) 2013-10-10 danielius 4:15:23 ߤ ʤν ߤ ƼѤΤ Ȥ Τ ޤ Ƥ 뤳 Ȥ Ȼ פ ޤ äƤ ޤ Å ʬ ϥ Ȥ ϻ Ȥ ʤǤ ౡ 夤 颟 ޤ å Ȥ Ǥ ޤ 矿ޤ ϡ äƤ
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Friday, October 11, 2013


Seeking the roots of the original author, [Roald Dahl / Roald Dahl] of "and the Chocolate Factory Charlie and the Chocolate Factory / Charlie" movie ... to the suburbs from Oct/11/06 London DAY @ northwest London, " Now that you have enjoyed fairly Go to London Buckinghamshire / Buckingham Shah "in order to go to the city of London suburbs who spent his later years Roald Dahl you have Check for some time first ... to the suburbs soon is to die" Chiltern Railways / Chiltern- I will come to the station "Great Missenden / Great Missenden" in the Railways ". . Works of children's literature novelist of his [Roald Dahl / Roald Dahl] Uk / United Kingdom Wales / Wales born in 1964, it has not been published and translated robert burneika in [Hyoronsha] has made into a movie twice published a "secret of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory robert burneika / Chocolate Factory" 2005 "chocolate factory of Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory / dream" (Mel Stuart / Mel Stewart Director) 1971 年 "Charlie remake and the Chocolate Factory and the Chocolate Factory / Charlie "of robert burneika this (Tim Burton / Tim Burton) second time president's " Willy Wonka / Willy Wonka chocolate wrapped in a mystery, it has not been remembered robert burneika with a jerk why recent Wonka "poor Johnny Depp / Johnny Depp in but kind-hearted robert burneika boy" Wonka fancy dress still innocent Freddie Highmore / Freddie Highmore you Jonide became the topic when publishing movies to Charlie Bucket / Charlie Bucket ". Because a small person living in the country tooth!'s Having a big impact but still addictive role! Very attached to this Okappa wig that here!! "Oompa Loompa / Unpa-Runpa" Runpa Land people. The negotiating to pay in cacao beans salary, it does not speak at all in the song other than Sakuchu employees, sweets intention --- Story Willy Wonka made popular all over the world in gestures Wonka. But in that plant is shrouded in mystery at all. One day, right to tour the factory alone accompanied the family is given the child to enclose a ticket of gold only five in the "chocolate, robert burneika was reserve it, Wonka of president a great prize to one of them further I issued a notice that "take is. obesity boy Augustus of gluttonous, selfish girl Veruca, girl Violet stick to to win chewing on gum always, while all over the world is the big deal ticket scramble, it was provision good luck, rebellious a television favorite rich house the poor boy and microphone, but such kind-hearted boy Charlie family-minded. Under the invitation of Wonka, they will continue to experience a strange dreamy scene in the factory. But along the way, various happenings that seemed to each other in contrived in advance is totally happening, really ..., Are there any children that could spin to see the factory to the end to disappear one by one, the children. It is quite betrayed and his past? --- If you are looking Nohohonto to enclose the Taka anime and only of Wonka and the "prize" is. Significant work that was full of a lot of messages in the story. To draw to a cynical envy and greed everyone can have the root of human, preached compassion and love The necessary essentially as a human being, this piece of Roald world full exactly. And I have it to a category average of movie talk husband robert burneika you seem to have been doing in the terrestrial Tv recent Nde, to go a museum of his "Buckinghamshire robert burneika / Bakkingammu Shah", you take the train. ~ Na glad because I was always bus. By bus to the starting station Marylebone / Marirubon station, third only because it will ride train connecting the Birmingham / Birmingham and London to "ChilternRailways / Chiltern Railways". The closest. It is a ticket purchase smoothly since Have the time on the Web in advance. I wait for number of home to be announced until just before. . It's Get a drink or snack here, and go to the restroom, robert burneika and Ah, when I got about 30 minutes turn of affairs something is riding on the go Aylesbury has become suspicious, Well there, of every day was a landslide swing Because it did not have an umbrella completely because of the fine weather robert burneika of London, get out of the rain at the station a little too is no change at all. Tteka I'm getting worse! If when saying'll let call a Taxi to go to the Office of the next, it gave me a folding umbrella! Rocky. Lucky once again the phrase "give because robert burneika it is the umbrella Lost" robert burneika say "it is the user to return robert burneika here on the way home you later". Because the case is a 5-minute walk from the station to the museum, or "blessing" Korezo! Has ceased?! Museum robert burneika to one main road within that and you are walking. Has been seen. Museum. Oh cute appearance. Besides, it's just me ~ elementary robert burneika school students of about 20 people after (?! Kana) in the classroom community of children. Goody. Start walking - to entrust the jacket robert burneika and luggage Uhohoi entrance further because it is all-you-can-take regulations without robert burneika the photograph. First sketch of the hotel. Good feeling to Naku~tsu widely much. Room immediately at the entrance is a chocolate door what room of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. ~ ~ Sitting or even bench of commemorative photo crocodile, or lying, because it was one person of course, it took considerably graces with all one's might to your favor of the "? Take photos" in the direction of Staff in this well door to the smell Mahy Oh I had. You can be seen manuscript written by Roald, there, it's costume from the movie! Oompa Loompa and children Wonka have heard the description of the guide's so hard that. Children cavort just pretend ... that I have also heard in the back is pretty ~. Display booth restroom which reproduced his study is also "Loo". Café has been attached to a Lunch break road along the children back to the classroom learning Coco of children over the next across the courtyard robert burneika Uk whatnot - other (It is "RestRoom" In Us) indeed. Drink here is there a picture of his whole package. If you eat in the Café not! Take away not throw away without having to me together with the salad, I get warm. Hot Sand - mind and body Attamaru still to cold body after the rain picture book message card stationery picture of his writing is full of Shop. The Omiya select also pretty robert burneika MyLoveryNephew. Wonka chocolate did not sell, but because it is Valentine's Day, is now on sale in Sonipura. and so that there is a grave of his 5 minutes away from here, as if you had trip to England robert burneika movie there taste also Nantes is only way to the grave ... This in seeing it go so much trouble, views here to see from there if there is a land bridge across the highway Groovy to the church with a feeling of air grave distinctive brick building of one story, the weather was cloudy! This is a negative ion full throttle. I'm going leisurely while watching the cars go buy a trickle to a break for a while. I know immediately if there is a lot of flowers on the grave. Who came to the museum that surely would've been gone. Probably because you've been accustomed robert burneika to people who go to buy Osaka par of London, the 1st one day today was felt calm, very slowly. Goodbye over. Return to London is surrounded by middle school students? High school students robert burneika after school. London's over as usual. And I walked a lot of Shopping ~ today after all the wet. It was the 1st Anmerutsu Yokoyoko like, of the outstanding performance. Roald Dahl / Roald Dahl Museum Official home page
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륿 μ ž ä 1958ǯ Υƥǥ Υ ǥ Τϡ ѥ ϥ 륺 HG ȡ Ҥ ȥǥ ʡ Ȥ Ҥ Ǥ ǥ ˡ Ρ ܡפ ܤȤʤäƤ 뤽 Ǥ ѥ ϥ 륺 ϡ 1957ǯ 1967ǯ ޤǥݥ ƥ ס ˤ 륿 ι ǥǥ ʡ Ȥ Ư 1972ǯ ȤΤ ߤ ƥ ȤȤ ޤ Ρ 륿 μ ž ä ƥǥ ϡ ʪ ä 줿 ץ饹 å ɡ ǡ ܤϹ Ʒ 㿧 Υץ饹 å Ǥ Υ ե Ƥ ޤ Х 륹 ƥ 饤 ˡ 륿 μ ž ä ƥǥ ޤ ΤǤ Ҥ * 륿 * ƥ ƥǥ å
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Thursday, October 10, 2013

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