Anyone in need of ezhenochnom proper rest, because it restores the body at night during plaids the day spent resources. Only one chronic lack of sleep can cause a variety of diseases. Therefore, the need for healthy sleep - vital.
During pregnancy, the issue is gaining greater importance: the load on the female body during this period is just great, it works in emergency mode, and from the very first weeks of pregnancy, the expectant mother is experiencing these changes increased fatigue and determination to take a nap.
Sadly, but it is during pregnancy, when the full sound sleep is so important for a woman and her unborn baby, there is a 1001 reason for the mother can not sleep. plaids Quickens the heartbeat, the number plaids of claims to urinate, increased nervousness and anxiety, disturbed digestion, eventually growing plaids belly begins to deliver a clear discomfort and prevents choose a comfortable position to sleep.
With insomnia and sleep disorders during pregnancy is necessary to fight. This topic has been dedicated not one article of our site. Today, we talk like best sleep during pregnancy, it was convenient and secure. We are looking for a comfortable position to sleep
All of us have our own favorite posture in which we fall asleep fast and sweet. But if you are used to sleeping plaids on your back or on your stomach even more, then this habit will have a glorious time to donate. First, these postures with each subsequent week of the second and third trimester will become special to you more uncomfortable. Secondly, they are not safe for pregnant women and the fetus, so I have to abandon them in favor of reckless choices.
In the first trimester expectant mother can still afford to sleep as love - to 12 weeks. But better still wont start changing immediately to the time of the problem (which prevents tummy) you were able to sleep in a different position. In any case, you have retrained to sleep because for 6-7 months plaids sleep on your stomach does not work and in any case impossible.
Lying on your stomach is impossible because so little of it - is clear. But the main reason plaids for the rejection of such a posture - predstavlyayuschayasya threat to the baby. Although he is protected by amniotic fluid, the weight of your body is still rather big and there is always the risk of injury, the more sleep we do not control their movements.
In 28 weeks you will also abandon sleep on his back, because in this case, the pressure has already plaids Tummy: fruit growing uterus pressing on the back, intestines and vena cava, preventing the flow of blood and oxygen to the cells and tissues (including to fetus). Hence, plaids dizziness, trouble breathing quickens plaids the heartbeat, plaids reduced plaids pressure, aggravated hemorrhoids, disturbed circulation in the kidney and placenta. "Outraged" kid himself: he can move actively and stronger than usual, indicating a lack of oxygen and awkward posture. plaids So if the baby kicks or you feel numb limbs, perekyntesya the other side.
The most convenient and safe posture for sleeping during pregnancy is off, lying on the left side. That's circulation going properly, and therefore does not suffer any fruit or mother. Babe gets oxygen and all the necessary materials to the fullest, plaids because the blood circulation in that position did not prevent. Also, do not put pressure on the liver to the right, but not sore back and pelvis after sleep. Good this pose for the heart, doctors plaids say.
When cross-presentation doctors recommend sleeping on the other side, where the head of the baby. But, of course, the whole night in one position vylezhaty impossible and unnecessary: change position. For 3-4 times recommended to roll from side to side in the case of breech fetus. Pillow-assistant
But if you are not used to sleeping on your left side, you train yourself to be difficult. Moreover, even in such a familiar pose of a woman may experience significant plaids discomfort during sleep due to the growing tummy. Therefore, it is unlikely you can do without the extra pillows.
Always keep at a few different sizes of soft cushions. With them, you can choose the most convenient position. Perhaps looking plaids for such have to spend more than one night, but it's worth it.
Try to lay a pillow plaids under the stomach, and another - between the knees. It left foot (if you are lying on your left side) is recommended to pull, and the right - to bend. Much easier position and roll feel at waist.
In general, you can enclose cushions plaids everywhere will consider it necessary - in order to be safe. If facilities allow - certainly buy a special pillow for pregnant women: they are designed to accommodate your "pregnant" physiological needs and very comfortable. Pillow for pregnant women in the shape of a horseshoe can take virtually any position and just save you from insomnia.
In the extreme
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