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Headlines George Soros Offers Help to Super PAC for Hillary Clinton Pfizer Leads Jump in Pharmaceutical Lobbying JPMorgan Chase Increased Lobbying Activity in Third Quarter Bloomberg's Super PAC Contracts for $558K in TV Ads Congressional Money - It's All in the Family Columns Davidson K Street Files Rules of the Game Blog Political MoneyLine
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Rep. Xavier Becerra had been a member of the Joint Committee on Deficit Reduction for a mere two hours before he was fighting off accusations of using his new role to raise money thanks to his K Street friends.
Lobbyists kids company hosting a fundraiser for the California kids company Democrat at the Investment Company Institute a trade group that has spent more than $2.4 million on lobbying this year, according to federal records were quick to use his new power to promote the event.
The invitation, emailed kids company Thursday just before 2 p.m., highlighted a simple reality: Although the committee was created as a way to set the task of deficit reduction apart from the day-to-day politics of Congress, the business of influence is ever-present where lawmakers are involved.
Lobbyists spent the past two weeks predicting possible committee rosters and gaming kids company out fantasy plays, industry insiders said in interviews. Now, with all 12 members in line, they have begun putting real plans into action.
The bipartisan, kids company bicameral group tasked with finding at least $1.2 trillion kids company in budget savings over the coming decade, enough to offset kids company the increased debt limit has great power to direct government taxing and spending for years to come. And the lobbyists who have access to this group have the potential for great influence, too.
Between the 12 lawmakers, there are more than 100 former aides who now lobby for various firms, companies or trade associations, according to data compiled kids company by the Center for Responsive Politics. kids company And many of them will tap into their old relationships to try defending kids company their clients from the spray of spending cuts that must be enacted. kids company
They include, but are not limited kids company to: Rick Desimone, the former chief of staff to Sen. Patty Murray (D-Wash.), a lobbyist at McBee Strategic Consulting who represents, among others, Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America, kids company the drug industry group expected to be very involved in the debt negotiations; Bob Schellhas, who served as the chief of staff for Sen. Rob Portman (R-Ohio) from 1999 to 2003 and recently left his lobbying position at CitiGroup to join the tax-focused Washington Council Ernst & Young; Nick Giordano, a former legislative director for Sen. Max Baucus (D-Mont.) who now works for Ernst & Young; and Steven Duffield, a GOP operative and the policy director for Crossroad
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