Friday, October 4, 2013

Baby Names can bring a lot of fun, and pick names for two children sudeikis - double the fun. Remem

Twenty Third week of pregnancy | - Your child
Food and feeding the introduction of complementary foods, artificial feeding Breastfeeding Nutrition Uncategorized sudeikis Pregnancy and genera Pregnancy, pregnancy conception pregnancy calendar Nutrition Education and Development Education rebellion Educational games and toys physical and language development Child psychology Children Children's leisure and entertainment festivals sudeikis Child Health Care Child Healthy Baby Teens first year of life, School Age
The closer the date of your birth, the harder it will be to sleep. Restlessness, frequent ascents to the bathroom, heartburn, cramps in the legs and general discomfort can lead to pregnant women insomnia. Remember that your baby's health and your own depends on how full you are resting. Try taking a warm (not hot 38 C) bath, listen to relaxing music, read your favorite book, drink herbal tea before bedtime to calm down and relax.
Many doctors recommend that pregnant women sleep on their side rather than on your back or stomach, not raised blood flow in the placenta. If you do it uncomfortable position, try putting a pillow between your knees to evenly distribute the weight of the body when lying on your side.
Your doctor will monitor the growth of your uterus and weight gain. During this period, you should regularly sudeikis feel the stirring sudeikis of the child. If not, see your doctor. Difficulties with listening heartbeat and stir may be, if the placenta is on the anterior abdominal wall - that is, before the child - and if you weigh a lot. As soon as the baby will grow, you will gain weight. sudeikis Currently norm gain weight at least 2.3 kg.
Child Weight 450-500g, height about 29 cm Despite the fact that the child is actively sudeikis developing subcutaneous fat, his skin is still quite soft, which gives it a wrinkled look. Daily training toddler involves muscle movements of fingers, feet, hands and legs. As a result, you may feel more active stirring. The child weighs more than 450 grams - and if prematurity happen this week, it has a chance to survive with proper medical care, but it is unlikely to be completely healthy. Programs for nursing premature babies improved every year - and if recently was able to survive only in infants born after 26 weeks of pregnancy, is given a chance at life and a small kiddies. Now the baby is the size of a small jar of coffee. Over the next month, sudeikis his weight double.
Mom may start feeling Braxton-Hicks contractions, or notice a small zhyvoti.Tak tension in the muscles sudeikis of the uterus ready for labor. The uterus is reduced regularly throughout a woman's life, but we rarely notice it, except when the child is in the womb. It is also important to know the signs of preterm labor to be alert. If your wife started regular contractions, accompanied by pain or bleeding, and deteriorated general condition or blood pressure rose - immediately call the "fast".
Baby Names can bring a lot of fun, and pick names for two children sudeikis - double the fun. Remember that the choice of similar or rymuyuchyhsya names and too exotic names can only be a burden to the children in their future lives. Try to choose dissimilar names, as well as to choose for himself and his own brother or sister.
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