Saturday, August 9, 2014

No .. is not the continent that come to your mind once you hear about the continent is missing betw

No .. is not the continent that come to your mind once you hear about the continent is missing between the history books .. It's not Atlantis .. Vsedk or not there is also another continent mired puzzled scientists in existence, and still to this day put the assumptions of scientific, physical and even assumptions the supernatural to explain the sinking and the disappearance of civilization completely .. There is no doubt that such a civilization that preceded us have created an atmosphere of dazzling about their scientific Ripper .. But the question that we did not find him an answer yet is .. why and how they disappeared?! .. It continent Mo sunken .. * * Information - Description of people: tall .. their skin white with blue eyes .. .. - site of the continent: Located in the Pacific Ocean between America and Asia .. - population: about 64 million people .. - disappearance: the continent disappeared after the disappearance of the continent of Atlantis, four thousand years .. that was left of the effects of the continent, only some scattered islands in the Pacific .. The most famous of these is the island's most beautiful islands in the world and frequented by millions of tourists every month .. Hawaii .. and there is another group of famous islands that used to belong jardin secret to the continent of Mu, which Samotheita Islands and the Cook Islands .. and also the Easter holiday Pettmathilha enormous .. and said that it was the main temple of the continent .. * Book of the Dead has surprised some people from entering the Book of the Dead's Pharaohs in this subject for the continent of Mu suddenly .. but the fact that the continent of Mu was mentioned in this book, as it was stated in the continent of Atlantis debates famous Pharaonic .. Book of the Dead was placed in the tombs of the Pharaohs .. Balheiroglovih entitled "Land - Mo - Hro" .. and I mean who disappeared in the east, or who have disappeared during the day .. and painful book Elegy on what happened to the people of this continent .. that Talaat them days the sun has not seen the next day .. On that day, the sun approached from the land of Mu and the horror of the people .. and turned to the palaces of kings .. kneeling down and praying. jardin secret ...........
Then everything disappeared .. There are also words in the Book of the Dead says, and approached the star of the land .. and still approaching .. and everything turned to smoke and fire .. The sea water .. Vatefo everything .. * explanation in the book named Thoughts Researcher Rehab Koran some information about hernia Earth writer says that "In the early eighties I was in London, and while I was reading His saying," Have not those who disbelieve known that the heavens and the earth were sewn together and made from water every living thing ".. I said in myself that this force, which Vtguet Earth from its base in the south must be the result jardin secret of an invasion force, because the forces invading very large, since there is no difference between the power of the fall of a large rock from the mountain jardin secret and the strength of the starting room gas from the depths of the ocean .. The gas often comes out Earth in the form of volcanoes or in the form of gas or oil that is .. if the gas hernia land must be located in and inherent in order to remain elevated jardin secret for the base land in the south to what God wills, nor must end this gas someday .. and its end return the land to the base Vngrq in the water that shaped land than 22% .. and when I thought about it all happened, I have something of the emotion and the vibration of fear on the ground has been gas Vngrq belonging to al-Qaeda ".. and then say that he went to the London Library, where he was residing at the time, and found the books talk about such things .. has been shown to him so that the gases that Vtguet Earth Antarctica is composed of fourteen belt he says indicate ions in his cosmic forces of the continent of Mu, has put her numbers from 1 to 14, the most important Belt No. 1, which was carrying the continents of Atlantis and Mo before Grgahma .. Ohz belt runs through the Mediterranean basin and the southern part of the continent of Europe, and then the Gulf region and Central Asia, and then the mid-Pacific Central jardin secret America is Mexico, then the mid-Atlantic .. was not believed jardin secret to be belts gaseous , but it was believed they gases in different parts of the earth .. In his book, put a picture of how to feed belts gaseous by Rooms gas lies beneath it and continue feeding even rise to the surface of the sea .. and another picture showing how out of compressed gases in rooms gas in the ground on volcanoes form and what happens to the land of destruction jardin secret carried by these rooms Vthua to the bottom of the ocean .. He also pointed out in his book on how to feed belts carbonated drinks by rooms located below: (1) - an area of land mounted above a room separate gas .. (2 ) - a piece of land surrounded by water on all sides .. (3) - the gas chambers that carry separate island .. (4) - Belt gaseous formed .. (5) - Room Lower gas that feeds the belt .. has been added, showing pictures How to gases, which consists in the ground, paid to rooms with tremendous force make these rooms replete and compressed too much, and this requires a space wider for these gases, and get the gases accumulated on this additional space to raise the ceiling to the top of the room without the slightest resistance from the ceiling, making the land approaching from the surface of the water .. The greater the pressure of gases on the surface of the chamber gas whenever the land has emerged above the water surface consisting island of land becomes the ceiling due to the increasing pressure thinner and less with every movement pay raise .. and this begins the ceiling in the cracks and do not tolerate any more Vinsr and off gases the form of a volcano, and when at least gas pressure after the departure of most of the crater collapsed ceiling of the room first and then begins to gas leakage from the nozzle second to fill the vacuum first so as not to be able to compress the gas to raise the roof and return the land to sink into the water .. * But why?! .. all This talk strictly scientific may be enough in the eyes of scientists

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