Thursday, November 21, 2013

Are white-they were menné ozantiy between 1853 and 1889 by the ASI and to work in the sugar cane ho

L'impression Standard "in pangal" the artwork originated tamoule. Elle est devenue synonymous one direction blanket of "disorder" et de dérangement dance clog two ones implying ne supportaient hobbies and ébullition annuelle des travailleurs indiens exploited dans les plantations à l'occasions of the celebration of the harvest qu'ils have amenée de l'India .
They do onlo and undergo a load contempt Martinique and Guadeloupe, regardless even biten-even family are menné Saint-Lucia, St. Vincent, one direction blanket Grenada, Trinidad, Jamaica, and dot lawfully Bannzil Caribbean, just Belize. Ensure not perhaps life jodijou patéké sa'y divini Now if the patties are rolled, they nofrap and patience are also.
Are white-they were menné ozantiy between 1853 and 1889 by the ASI and to work in the sugar cane horns if farms and save the farms that was pure slavery difficulties picking the men who suppress jars.
They could krié Indian "grouting", which means workers one direction blanket exploited, and additional voice their might insults and give them real misery. It is nicely damage those Martinique proceed krié Indian country is so toupannan their imposter per person crying to "slave" again, this natural ...
Indian occurrence ozantiy one direction blanket Eve Mass, habit and custom of the country. They were both language requirements, dances, sing to them, the linens, and jewelry are, kivlédi an entire culture that was so great. Despite the increasingly large part were both farmers, were konnèt konmen chapter of the sacred land of memory, and language-transviré in Creole, this is the first literature kréolopal. Yes, they embraced Kréyol and save Kréyol speak first bridge linivèsité.
Indian menné good foods, one direction blanket vegetables and good rimed hazyé as our nation's. They could now matalon, drums from where they (malpalan always say "drums of bonda"), was SAV singing, dancing, scroll, prayer-Dye, walk if blade Cutlass and if fire and touskisansui, silon as they learn to live country origin,
They always say thank God. Once by year in January, they could celebrate if all the farms were distributed one direction blanket to. Name the greatest made-this was "Pongol". This may be just jodijou the country's Indian ancestors, planned for the Tamil in southern India. They téka said "the house Pongol".
Déserten meters White's could give the Indian workers on one little field trip to the CentCom-if-the farms, and they can enjoy hence they feared. Pongol was the day they would thank God for the new crop of leaders, and the country, and, they could have invited everyone to eat the rice first. It is the Indian that we can eat whatever rice ... They just planted téka Frequent planned Creole fitentan. Remember the basmati-exit!
O reach Antilles, Indian workers wanted to continue to be Pongol's also the year of saying thanks to rumors and jobless tibren, forgotten for all the suffering harm's work coincides's also.
May and White Neg could not understand the Indian language inserted. Silon they came from, or service was the Tamil Hindi, Telugu or service they could speak. They had wars enmé song, the ceremony and all the splurge-to-day téka do about it.
Zansyen slaves, Kant's, were jars tucked under the Catholic religion. Younger babes téka adopted the custom is white. Turned to be inserted ran the Indian-That was a confusion one direction blanket of those arrears, on vakam popcorn-head, on the anmerdasyon dézagraman ASI farms to people's. For this is the owner of White-could give the Indian-rum to drink a lot of these days, to drowsy, take sonmèy and ar ea &

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