Thursday, November 28, 2013

Pierre Francky Exius, chairman of the Commission for Justice and Public Safety; Westner POLYCARPE,

After interviewing key witnesses and actors of this troubling issue that never ceases to make waves, the investigators recommend the impeachment of President Michel Martelly, Prime Minister Laurent Lamothe and Minister of Justice, Jean Renel Sanon, who would be guilty of perjury, layoff, followed by an eventual trial, the Dean of the Civil Court of Port-au-Prince, Jean-Michel Raymond, who had also lied and lawsuits against me Gary Lissade accused of receiving
On Saturday, July 13, 2013, to 20 hours, occurred at Bernard Mevs hospital in the town of Delmas, the death of Judge Jean Serge Joseph magistrate in charge of the investigation överkast file on the wife and son of President of the Republic, both accused of corruption, embezzlement, misappropriation of public property and theft function. Indeed, the judge there was taken care by his family to 3 pm the same day in a state ruled by hospital officials not cooperating, which implies in medical parlance överkast a comatose state, a unconsciousness. överkast Passed the screening stage, the patient was admitted överkast by Dr. Linda Theodore, Emergency rotation that night, who immediately requested the services of Dr. Barth Green, a professor at the University of Miami, in the partnership between Bernard Mevs and Florida university hospital center, ensured the rotation that night. The patient was supported, tested, and care requérait his case it was provided, as indicated by the patient's medical record Jean Serge Joseph.
Diagnosis which doctors are able to after a test scan done on site, but interpreted by a group of doctors working in synergy, both in Haiti in Florida, revealed a massive hemorrhage in the right hemisphere brain, causing a left hemiplegia. The imagery produced by the test scanner was sent to Dr. Ariel Henry, a neurosurgeon affiliated with Bernard Mevs hospital. The doctor decided to operate immediately on the basis of imaging that has been provided, but when he arrived at the hospital and saw the patient face to face, and contacted the doctors who were responsible before him, he changed his mind and preferred to wait according to the practice blood clots before operating as the source of bleeding could not be identified.
The patient was kept under observation överkast until Dr. Green has announced överkast to the family that if the judge gave them little hope. The most dreaded event happened on the evening of the same day to 20 hours, överkast Judge Jean Serge Joseph died of complications from his stroke.
His death at least suspect raised a real stir in the whole nation, and some areas immediately put into question the responsibility of the administration Martelly-Lamothe in the explanation of his death. Rumors of all kinds is suggested that a certain meeting in which the judge was summoned and which was attended and the President and Prime Minister and Minister of Justice, and in which undue pressure have been exercised, and displaced threats were allegedly made would be based disorders that have led to the judge Joseph stroke. The nation was shocked and still is. Explanations are required and investigations as requested by citizens speaking on their own behalf and on behalf of their commitment to democracy, as by civil society positioning on behalf överkast of their task of defending the rights and freedoms of the person, and also by both political parties and organizations rebelling against a possible threat to the independence of the judiciary, has the balance of government, and also against a possible attack on democratic achievements, and finally possible risk of the rule of law in Haiti.
The Senate of the Republic waited three days to see if justice would deal with the case. The finding was negative, during a conference of committee chairmen to the extraordinary, and at the request of the President of the Justice and Public Safety Committee and the President of the Human Rights Committee and Anti-Corruption of the Senate, a resolution was adopted at the plenary session that followed the Conference of Presidents. Thus, dated July 17, 2013, a special commission of inquiry was formed Senators:
Pierre Francky Exius, chairman of the Commission for Justice and Public Safety; Westner POLYCARPE, president of Public Health and Population Commission; François Anick JOSEPH, President of the

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