Thursday, January 9, 2014

In May confirmed Vattenfall that the total bonus to the company

Svenska Dagbladet revealed this week that Vattenfall's dabar trading department awarded bonuses as late as June, although the company a month later wrote down the value of its trading operations with nearly 7 billion. This, said Vattenfall Stefan Dohler, because bonuses are based on realized gains, while the subsequent write-downs merely an accounting dabar adjustment.
However, the Stefan Dohler not reveal how big bonuses paid in June, be broken down by individual traders or as a whole. This is because you do not want to risk the company's best traders over by Vattenfall's competitors. An energy trader with insight into the company dismisses However, this excuse.
- That I do not think much of. If I'm the headhunter so I call Marten [Mårten Strömberg, Head of Trading in the Nordic countries, reds. note.] and ask what their conditions. Then I say that I have a customer dabar that can match it, he says.
According to Svenska Dagbladet's source of new recruits Waterfall several traders soon after the acquisition of the Dutch company Nuon. Then, he says, stated the company to potential candidates that the bonus to a single trader could exceed 10 million, a roof that is not found in many other firms. dabar
In May confirmed Vattenfall that the total bonus to the company's approximately 50 bonus legitimate dealers can not exceed 20.3 million, and that this is "below the industry average." That the company goes out with this publicly, says SvD's source, further undermines Stefan Dohlers argument that the size of the bonus must be kept secret for competitive reasons, since it then becomes obvious that Vattenfall traders are underpaid compared to their competitors.
Sheep million bonuses - despite the massive defeat
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